Chapter 45: Gohan's Love Confession

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Author's Note:

Here's an update which I had promised to post on Valentine's Day. I had edit Chapter 1 - Chapter 5 with better paragraphs than before. I don't have time to post the remaining 5 chapters which had been edited done. I am still around chapter 11 of re-writing so... give me sometime.

The title says it all. Happy Valentine's Day to all of you! I hope this chapter will bring some joyful moments. Hope the title sounds interesting.

Chapter 45: Gohan's Love Confession

"I'm getting sick of this…" she panted heavily and finally stopped, body pressing against the ground and her arms aside. It has been about almost 2 hours since she had herself crawled on this super long walkway that seems endless. Not like she knows the time but… at least she thought that long. No matter how much she tried to keep moving, the bushes and trees along the way seemed so identical that she looked like she hasn't even move at all. Heck, will she ever make it out? "I'll take a rest."

But it wasn't long before she sensed something ahead. Slowly, she sees something landed.

One pair of legs followed by two and a few more.

From her angle, she could only see the legs wearing similar sandals like what she is wearing. The dresses also looked quite similar before she moved her head up higher and noticed a couple of human-like people.

"Hey, what kind of palace maid are you to lie on the ground so un-lady like?" one of them spoke and lowered her knees before her violet-eyes widened in surprised.

"I…" she tried to respond.

"Raven? Aren't you Raven?"

"What Raven?" Another one screamed.

"You got to be joking!"

"You're alive?!"

Excuse me? Did they just call me– "Yes! I'm alive!" Her body answered for her and stood up from the ground 'easily'. Wait, what's going on?!

Now that she has a better view, there were 5 of them standing around her, looking at her like as if she belongs to the group. They were all dressed similar like her clothes except that she has long drapes and they have none. But it wasn't an important thing to think about.

"I see! It must be Queen Diamond's power! She must have used some of her powers to bring you back to life!"

"But your eyes… looked the same as before."

"But whatever the reason was, it's good that you're back."

Videl is completely clueless what was going on. Why are these people talking to me as if I'm their friend? "Thanks. I never thought I could make it. I'm happy to see all of you again." Who the hell is talking?! Why is my body talking against my will? And for some ridiculous reason, I can now stand up and move freely?!

"You don't look good though." Said one of them.

Of course I'm not! "I'm fine."

Videl's expression on this new body looked troubled and struggled. However, Videl lost the fight against the body. "I'm just a little tired since my body is still kind of stiff."

"Oh I see! That's not a surprise. You've been dead for about a month."

Dead for a month? "That long?"

Okay now I get it! This is what she meant about the curse! Not only I cannot speak what I wish to say, my body is even responding to them as if the origin owner of the body is still around. Now why can I move? Was it because they called me Raven? Does that mean that I can only move well if I acknowledge myself as this name? Who are these girls anyway? Sigh. I need to think this slowly. I can't rush or I'll only get confused. Now… let's see. These people must be the aliens living on this planet and working for that Queen. Meaning, they are palace maids? And what in the world did they used to have their faces this clean and beauty? They're so beautiful that all the guys on Earth would go gaga for. I can't even think of any models on Earth to compare with them!

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