Chapter 30: Bayans

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Author's Note:

It's getting a bit annoying to keep putting 'author's note' at the front so I won't be putting unncessary notes here unless is needed. 

Chapter 30: Bayans

The match earlier was something the humans were unable to comprehend about. To them, it looked like some sort of strange luck that a wind out of nowhere just appeared and blew the kid off. It looked confused to the crowd that they were not able to react quickly until the announcer came back with his tremendous thrilled tone. "Alright let's begin the next match!" It would be lying if he wasn't surprised about the strange thing earlier. He didn't thought people aside from Goku's group were able to have strange abilities like them too. "Contestant Trunks, age 8, and Idasa, Age 15! Please step forward!"

Trunks heard his name and quickly focused back on what's going now. Right now, he needs to finish his fight first. As he walks out together with the annoying opponent next to him, a snickered came from him. "I can't wait to see you under my feet begging for mercy."

It unpleased him but remained calm. He doesn't need to waste his energy on this guy who won't do anything on him. "I can't wait to see your terror looking face and beg me for life when you realized the difference between our strength."

Idasa flinched and growled. "We'll see about that."

Videl's surprise look isn't a new thing to Gohan anymore. He was used to it. "Hey hold on, did you mention that Trunks was going to enter the tournament too?!"

"I forgot." Gohan used back his same response like how she asked about Goten. It was the quickest way to explain. "Don't worry about him. I think you should worry about his opponent."

"Huh?" she fixed her eyes on Trunks. "He told me he's a magician. Can it be useful in this fight?"

Gohan almost fell when he heard such a ridiculous thing. I see. Trunks came up with that excuse to cover up. "Maybe a little… he's not that weak."

"Is that so?" Videl's brows frowned. "He doesn't look like that to me…"

That's because he must have acted like a child to you. I suppose Trunks knows how to act at the right time unlike Goten.

Soon, everything went back to the match. "Before the match begins, I would like to announce an interesting news. Over here we have this kid Trunks, who is the grandson of the famous inventor Dr. Briefs, who invented the capsules for us!" and he passed the mike to Trunks to say his speech. "Hey kid, mind sharing what were you thoughts about joining the competition? It must be a test of strength since your family is wealthy right?"

Trunks stood there silently. His mind only focused on the flashback in his mind about what Gurasu did in her match.

"Uh… contestant Trunks?"

He quickly went back to reality. "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

The crowd immediately laughed the slow reaction of Trunks. Bulma slapped her head and wondered what's wrong with her son. It was then the annoying tone of the fat lady next to Oolong screamed again. "IDASA! Kill that boy! WIN! WIN!"

The blue-haired woman finally snapped and stood up. "TRUNKS! Beat that boy out of the ring and make sure he can't even move an inch you got that?!"

The lady turned to Bulma and realized she was in that same group. "Shut up! What's wrong with all of you?!" and she turned to the side where the ring was. "Kill that boy and revenge for your brother!"

"Trunks! Go easy on that boy! He's too weak to be your opponent!"

"What?!" that lady gritted on her handkerchief in anger. "How dare you call my son weak? Your son is nothing but a piece of garbage! My Idasa will beat your son!"

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