Chapter 51: Her Role

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Author's Note:

I am finally done editing with this chapter. Fortunately, I finally managed to pass over my writer's block on Chapter 52 which made me stuck there for months as it was getting more and more difficult to write it out. However to be able update a bit faster, I would probably only post the next chapter after I am done until drafting to Chapter 55.

Just a small note to some people who does not appreciate me or my story. From the beginning, I have already made myself clear that this story is going to be very long. So don't complain to me that how freaking long this fanfic is or crap like these. I am not here to get reviews and be popular, alright? I just want to write and share, it is just that simple.

However, you can bash me as much as you want for always updating this slow because I am to be blamed for dragging this fanfiction for more than 3 years and yet nowhere half of the plot. In regards to that, I recently bought something convenient for me to have more time for my schedule which is a tablet+keyboard technology, which I am going to be online a bit more than usual, that is if my family issues won't interfere it.

Ok enjoy this chapter and I'll try my hardest to edit the next chapter. Please be advised that I rushed editing on this chapter so there might be some spelling mistakes which I'd go through this chapter again by this weekend.

Chapter 51: Her Role

Hot-headed isn't going anywhere to break the curse upon her. She couldn't bother to count how many times she has been this mad about this problem since she was kidnapped here. But there was another reason of her hot-headed temper this time and she wasn't sure why she was mad about it. That scene of him with the Princess pissed her off! "It can't be! Why am I acting like a bitch?" She growled alone in the endless hallway, and as before, the body of hers is leading her to some unknown place again. The only improvement thing about her for now is that her mind is still conscious, though it couldn't bring orders to execute the body's movement. It was a kind of a weird experience for her and in fact, she never thought that this could happen to her. She had read stories about switching souls. She isn't a bookworm but she does read fictional stories from time to time especially themes that involved fantasy and adventures. And even though she had read switch-souls stories, she has never read anything of a case like her, where her mind is still conscious and yet couldn't control the body. And in addition, her mouth moves according to the origin owner's traits and behavior. "This is stupid." She cursed again but unaware that this time, her voice was a bit louder, not realizing she managed to blurt it out.

"What stupid?" A voice interrupted and she jumped in fright, looking straight ahead of where that voice came from.

Another clueless place. She thought. There, stood someone with an unfamiliar face. Of course, it wasn't unknown to her body. "Hey Swan!"

Swan? What kind of name is that?

Unlike the rest of the females she have seen so far, this one was wearing clothes that looked like some kind of warrior. She looks tougher as well. Her clothes, however, revealed her skin with that sleeveless shirt which only covers half of her body, showing her tummy. She was wearing a long tightened pants and brown boots. There were also some different leaves-like accessories around her neck. Her hair, in light brown, was long till her shoulder, untied. But something remains like the rest and that was the trademark of a Bayan – Purple eyes. "Back from the dead but not back to work? I even have to come here and fetch you on my own!"

Huh? Who is she? "Oh come on, don't remind me. I would rather be dead, actually." She rolled her eyes.

Then, she felt an arm locked around her left arm as the woman called Swan tugged against her. "Hey, don't forget you are one of the 3 generals! Besides, do you have any idea how difficult it was for me to replace you while you were still dead?"

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