Chapter 38: Losing Once More

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Author's Note:

I'm having a big writer's block! I know I've already planned everything in hand but it's too difficult to write when I already long forgotten about it. With my lost back up, I had to try to remember the copies that I've lost! Okay, I think I just recalled a bit that I did not plan a lot of things in the middle of this second saga. I think I jumped a whole lot for the third one and perhaps this is why I seem to be in lost somewhere. Sorry but the next chapter may take me a VERY long time to produce it out unless I come up with something!

Before reading it, I would like to thank those who've commented/followed/favourited me. I did not expect I will have over 50 followers at all when I first published this suckish fanfic. Not to mention I have some people who favourited it as well. Really appreciated it very much even though some of the comments I have to use google translate to figure out the meaning. =_= Once again, my English is horrible, not my first major subject. I'm not really surprise if someone comes here and criticize about it anymore.

Lastly, this chapter may seem a bit difficult to asborb in Piccolo's explanation. I repeat, this chapter will seem difficult to absorb. So here I go again... NOTHING MAKES SENSE, alright? I believe this part is as confusing as 'Clay's' birth, only that this time it's their 'motive' that makes them confuse. Hint: It may look quite confusing but in actual fact, it isn't at all... at least for the future chapters.

Chapter 38: Losing Once More

He had fought against Freeza, Cell and even Clay.

But deep inside the teen's mind, there was some sort of bad hunch that he's feeling for quite awhile. Although he had battled countless of strong enemies, he never had this strange premonition that something bad will turn out. He never had this funny feeling about his opponent. Strange, he couldn't find a reason why this feeling has to come right when he finally faces her. There wasn't anything when she faces her opponent. There was nothing when she faces Krillin. She was just a mysterious race that may turn out to be their enemy. So what is the weird sensation that he felt from her?

Gohan stood at his position on the ring and stared through his glasses and then to the Bayan. There, she was standing there with a wind blowing against her cloak.

There was one thing he didn't like about her. Nothing personal but he just didn't like the awkward smile she was sending him.

It wasn't a smirk but it wasn't smile either. It was a very special expression that you don't really give it to a stranger.

At this moment, he felt something pushing him down. Something is weighing so heavy that he can't seem to lift it up. What's going on? Is this person really that strong? Is this person doing something to him? If so, what is she doing?

Oh hold, she's not doing anything to me. I'm just having a bad hunch, that's all. But why? Why from her? And why now?

No matter how hard he tries to think, he could not get an answer. There was only one way to find out, and that is to fight against her.

As the announcer sees both contestants are ready standing in their positions, he screamed through his mike. "Let's begin the next match between Contestant Kuristal and Contestant Great Saiyaman!"


The moment the bell rang, he couldn't help but immediately put his defense out. Instead of attacking, he placed his defense the start. That's because he cannot afford to be recklessly attacking her and let his guard down. He needs to focus on defense and see what she's trying to do. Seriously, what is this funny feeling I am getting from her?

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