Chapter 25: The Similar Ability, The Similar Words

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Author's Note:

I think I'm getting a bit irritated by always putting author's note before the story but it can't be helped as I'm still afraid of making things wrong. Anyway I've pretty much change Kuririn and Buruma back to their original names to Krillin and Bulma even though I make a mistake of deleting chapter 18 and got to retype AGAIN.

As usual, I do not own DBZ and everything here is purely ficitional and the author's imagination.

Chapter 25: The Similar Ability, The Similar Words

Never would he have thought Videl's stubbornness is getting stronger. She refused to give up and keep doing what she wants. Earlier noon when she questioned Krillin he thought he was really done for. Feeling that he needs to do something about her, he went to library to do some research instead of going straight back home. There's nothing about school work but just some research that he needs to know. He grabbed some similar topic books, find himself a seat somewhere and sat down.

He took the first book. 'How to understand a girl'.

He flipped the first page and read the introduction and summary.

"To understand a girl is not that hard but without any knowledge will make you mad." What a funny introduction but I think I agree with it. Maybe I still am not sure what a girl is thinking that's why I'm having a hard time in predicting Videl's movement. He slowly absorbed himself into the book. "Hmm… girls are not like boys which their hearts and thinking can only be seen by the same sex. There are playboys who thought they understand girls but they got it through experience and not by heart." Uh huh… this isn't helping me. I need to find some content. He quickly looked at the content page and found a good one. "How to impress the girl you like. Ah that's a good one."

He turned to that page.

"Most girls prefer loves pretty and cute items. A girl's color tend to be mostly pink or purely light bright colors." What the…? It doesn't sounds like Videl at all… "Hmm… but depending on each girl they have different tastes. Some girls in the category 'tough' such as loving sports of fighting may tend to be quite tomboyish." Yeah, this is her! "In order to impress a girl, they are many ways. Here's a few one you can try. Firstly, try to identify the girl's tastes such as her likes and dislikes. It doesn't have to be tangible but can be also intangible stuffs."

Just as he was about to continue reading, he felt two presence in front of him. Before he knew it, two girls were sitting right opposite hm. "Can we sit here?"

Gohan nodded with a clueless look and smiled.

The girl with the longer straight hair started talking to him. "Hi Gohan, my name is Madeline. I was just wondering if you have a… girlfriend?"

He got stunned for that sudden introduction. How should he answer that? Should I answer her as 'Golden-haired warrior' or what? I mean I can't say I don't have but uh… well… "I… guess… not?" he replied awkwardly.

The blond girl giggled and suddenly approached her hand to his. Gohan widened his eyes in surprised. "Hey if you don't mind, can I be your girlfriend?"

HEH?! Is this a confession like I read in the books?! "Uh…"

"I noticed you for a long time ever since you transferred here and umm, you're really my type."

"T-Type?" he repeated in a puzzled look.

"Well actually I'm from the next class to yours and if you don't mind, can we start out as friends first? Since you seem to be having troubles… in girls." she pointed at the book while Gohan flushed red in embarrassment.

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