Chapter 32: Decided Match Pairings

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Chapter 32: Decided Match Pairings

"Hahahahahaha. Now let's see what's that old man gonna do." Laughed Goku as he witnessed Satan down there trying to build up his courage.

"I just pray that Trunks will go easy on him." Added Krillin.

At the side, Vegeta's eyes stayed focus on the Bayans who were on the other area. There were too many holes in them and plenty of questions that he could get it.

This is ridiculous. How did they know that Kakarotto and I have survived? Furthermore, I'm pretty sure they don't have the technology to even travel to other planets unless someone is helping them. Hard to admit it, but I agree with Juuhachigou and Kakarotto. Making me as a decoy huh? It frustrates me but… who in the world are they actually aiming at?! I'm the only one they seemed to have a grudge with. Unless… wait, no. There isn't a need to analyze further. It couldn't be!


Trunks stood at the ring and stared at the so-called world champion. From head to toe, he seemed like an ordinary old man to him. Is he really that strong? If he was, why didn't Dad mention about him before? Trunks, who knew nothing about the real Satan, had a hard time in figuring this man's real strength. Since he wasn't interested in watching the news, he doesn't have enough resources to know about him. All people talks about is that he is the champion. That's it. He seems ordinary to me. I think Videl looks even stronger than him. Whatever, maybe he's just hiding his strength.

"The time has finally come for Satan's appearance!" the announcer cheered.

Satan sensed danger is slowly approaching him. When he sees how Trunks staring at him so intensively, he swallowed hard. He quickly sneaked to him and whispered. "Hey kid, you're not going all out right?"

"Huh?" Trunks stared up at him. "I am."

He flinched. "Idiot! It's only a game! Only an entertainment! There isn't a need to be so serious right?!"

"Why shouldn't I? You're the world champion right?"

Satan got pissed off and screamed softly. "Hey! Why are you acting like a kid?!"

"I am a KID!" he answered. Weirdo. He added in his thoughts.

Satan knew he was done for. If this kid goes all out, he probably will see himself in hell. Wait, he didn't even need to go all out and he's already done for!

"Papa seems to like Trunks. He's whispering to him so softly." Said Videl.

The teen just laughed. Satan oh Satan, how will you deal with such a situation when your opponent is a kid who is stronger than you? And please… don't go all out Trunks!


As the cheer of the audience gets louder, the more nervous he gets. The fight hasn't even begun and he finds himself sweating hard. He knew he has to do something but what can he do?!

Damn! Damn! Damn! What should I do?! This kid here will KILL ME! How should I deal with a kid… A lightbulb popped out. Oh yeah! The opponent is just a kid!

He quickly placed an arm on his shoulder. "Hey kid, since this is a game tournament, we should do a slight greeting when the fight begins. I'll come closer to you and you have to give me a very geeeeeeennnnnnnnnttttttttlllllllllleeeeee tap on my face alright? The audience loves greeting!"

Trunks frowned. "Why?"

"D-Don't ask why! Just do it! The people love it okay! You don't want them to be disappointed right? Furthermore, it's a respect to your opponent you're facing which is me!"

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