Chapter 1: A Letter

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Kamado Nezuko, the younger sister of Kamado Tanjiro. Like every month, she visited her brother's grave next to the rest of her family. She squatted down, pressed her hands together, and began praying. She thought everything she wanted to say to her brother and left a folded piece of paper on his grave stone as if Tanjiro was going to take it.

Time passed and the wind blew the letter far away as if it was being delivered to Tanjiro, who was in the sky. We don't know if Tanjiro actually got the letter and read what was written, but if he did it would say...

To my kind and strong older brother, Tanjiro

It's been four months since you passed. Some times, I wish someone else would have been the one to take in Muzan, but I always feel bad right after. I know that you wouldn't want anyone else to suffer the same pain you had.

I know you put on a smile on in front of us to make us feel like nothing was wrong, but I'm your sister, who has been through thick and thin with you, I could tell that something was being hidden behind that smile but I was to scared to ask what it was.

I tried to ignore the grunts of pain I heard late at night coming from your room. The struggling between you and the demon. You managed to push his back every time, but it hurt to hear you groan in pain. You tried to hide it, but I saw the dark bags under your eyes. I wish I could've helped you. I wish there was some way to kill Muzan without killing you in the process.

I want to go back to the times when we were smiling together with Zenitsu and Inosuke, even though we were fighting demons at that time. I want to see you and properly say goodbye, but I know that wish is impossible to grant. God does not bring back the dead, but I still have the memories to look back at.

Zenitsu and Inosuke are still living in the house. Inosuke has been quieter since your passing but I think his spirt is slowing lifting out of the dark place. Zenitsu is acting like his usual self. His perverted and scared self. But, he's just acting. I can see that deep down he's still not over your death. I think he's acting like this because he wants to try and fill the empty space you left behind with something. I know Zenitsu knows, that nothing can fully fill the hole you left in everyone's heart, but he's trying. That's something I like about him.

He told me and Inosuke about how he was hearing constant uneasiness from you ever since the last battle. Inosuke had yelled at him asking why hadn't he stopped you. Zenitsu said he asked why you were feeling that way and you didn't give him an answer except a smile. Why didn't you give him a proper answer? I think he feels like your death was his fault because he knew it was going to happen, but he couldn't talk you out of it. With your stubbornness, nobody could.

I'm doing alright considering you died. I'm trying my best to cheer everyone up, but I don't have the same touch to these things as you. You could always bring the best out of people and point them towards a path showered in light. I can't do that the way you did. To be honest, that was one of the reason I was jealous of you. You could friend anyone and heal them without meaning to. That is something I will always envy about you.

I'm trying to support them with what they're going through, but I think that they feel like it would be more of a burden on me. I want to listen to their problems and help them. I have to deal with my own first before I can help them. It's not like I'll completely get over you. I'll still feel sad when talking about you, but I won't let that sadness drag me down. You didn't fall to your darkness, so I will not fall to mine.

There's something that concerns me though. It's Tomioka-san. Ever since you died I haven't seen him as much. He doesn't come to visit us or your grave.

I remember the story you told me on how we met him and how he spared my life. I remember seeing him after they tested me as a demon but, he seems different. I see him when traveling some times. He still has the regular expression he would always wear, but somethings changed and bags have formed under his eyes.

He's not living like you had wished. I tried talking to him, but he's always spaced out. He feels dead. I know he alive and breathing, but I think something important is missing from him. I've always felt like there was something missing in him, but the hole in his heart got bigger when you died.

You should've spent some time with him before you left, but I feel like you knew something was going to happen if you stayed to long. What was keeping you away from him?

I want to help him to but I don't know how. I can't figure out a way to invite him over and talk with him. I want to help him to, but I can't find the right path to the answer. I wish there was a path you could shine some light on to help me, like always, but you can't anymore. I'll do whatever I can to help him so you don't have to worry so much.

I hope you, Father, Mother, Tekeo, Hanako, Shigeru, and Rokuta are doing well, where ever you are. Make sure to tell them about all of the situations we've been through and about the friends we made together.

Wishing for strength, your younger sister,

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