Chapter 36: From a Sun Breath User, 1,300 Turns Ago

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Shinobu had gotten back rom the cafeteria for all Demon Slayers. She was getting tired of listening to Shinazugawa and Iguro fighting about the same topic. She wanted the thing to end too, but everything she's experienced hadn't give her a single clue on how.
Shinobu's sister called out to her. The one that was meant to be dead but used as baited just as Sabito and Tsutako.
Without even asking what happened, Kanae had already known what had happened. After all, she was used as bait after the 1,000th try. She left bad for being one of the reasons all of them continued to suffer, so she thought that it wasn't her place to interfere in their fights.
"You've got a letter."
Shinobu looked at her sister confused. For the past 100 tries, she already knew what was on all of her letters and when they would be delivered to her. This letter she had never gotten it within her 500 lives. It must've been a clue to ending all of this. The clue everyone was looking for.

Shinobu say in her room with the letter in her hands. She looked over the thing making sure that it really wasn't a letter she had gotten before, and truly, it wasn't. First off, the envelope it was in was a sky blue that matched the actual sky perfectly, and there was nothing written on the envelope. Carefully, Shinobu opened the envelope and pulled the letter out. She unfolded the pages that looked like it had been written years ago and started reading, being careful when touching the pages.

If I calculated everything correctly, you should be reading this somewhere close to the 1,300th turn, somewhere close to Giyuu-san's 1,300th life.

Shinobu Kocho, first, I feel that it is only right to apologize for everything you're going through. The blame for what is happening to you and the others should be put on me. Don't blame Giyuu, Shinazugawa, or even yourself. After all, this whole thing was cause because of a mistake made by the court. Of course, you must be confused on what's happening, or why you're getting a new letter after all of your lives. But I promise, I wrote this only to help everyone.

Right now, you must hear Shinazugawa and Iguro fighting over the same thing over and over, day by day. One thing is for sure, is that you know something is missing from your memories. I know that you're smart enough to figure that out because that's just how you were meant to be. However, that's not the only thing you're missing. I wrote this letter to you, and you alone, because I believe you might be able to do something with it. You might be able to convince everyone.

First off, I guess explaining to you how this all works is priority. You know that you're going from dimension to dimension every time you for, and probably wondered how that is possible. Honestly, it shouldn't be. After all, the theory of doppelgängers is actually true. Actually, that theory was put in place for the exact reason of people not going from dimension to dimension. However, you only know the basics. The common information about the subject. What you don't know is how doppelgängers actually absorbed each other.

You might know this, but every living like has a soul. Whether they can talk for not, everything that can grow and evolve has a soul. However, that soul is not whole. You could say that it's a small piece in an a million piece puzzle. The actual soul of a person is much bigger than something you can fit inside a small vessel. The concept of souls is like a cake. A cake is too big for someone to finish themselves so it must be slip up between people. The concept is the same when coming to a person's soul. A whole soul is too big to fit in one body, so multiple dimensions were made with multiple duplicate vessels, and the soul was split into a million little pieces.

Each piece has their own life to live, all different lives belonging to the same soul. When one of the vessels die, the small fraction of the soul is sent to a waiting room. Not heaven or hell, but a waiting room for both heaven and hell. There's a clear reason as to why the fraction of the soul is sent there rather than the afterlife. It's that the small fraction of the soul couldn't handle being put in a new situation that involves intense spiritual power. So in the waiting room, the fraction of the soul waits for nine other vessels to die in the mortal realm. Once ten of the soul fragments join together, then that piece will be able to ascend or descend. It is only then that their reward or punishment is decided.

All of you are going from dimension to dimension, and are taking lives away from your own soul. The different outcomes that could have been achieved can no longer happen. However, that is not the only thing. Whenever you move to the next dimension, the soul fragments start fighting for control. That's when the concept of doppelgangers comes into play. When there is more than one soul in the body, one must take control. No matter what, your current soul fragment will always win because your soul fragment has already absorbed hundreds of others. Whether you win or lose, the fact that the moral body wasn't made to hold more than one soul fragment will not change. Soon, your body will start to ache, and it will start to crumble apart. To prevent that, the vessel will start pushing the soul out. That results in a soulless body, and I'm sure you've seen that first hand. After all, Giyuu-san's vessel has probably collapsed by now. This might be the case, but dying over and over again--being forced to live through the same few years of life--can damage a person's mental state. Please keep that in mind and keep checking up on everyone.

The way to get out of his cycle to to clear all of the requirements set by, what you call, being X. To do so, you must gather every dimension traveling person, and ask what their greatest with is.
If they could have a single wish to be granted, what would it be?
Only a god and the person question could give an accurate answer, so I cannot help you with that. However, you must get that done before Muzan or Oyakata-sama is chosen to relive life next, because both of their wished are impossible to fulfill. Although, I don't know whether they have already been chosen to relive life. After all, each person, besides Giyuu-san, is chosen randomly. If one of them have already been chosen to relive life, I've made sure to give you another way to end this thing. During the third try, I was able to loosen the restraints placed on me for a small moment. With that small moment, I left, with Giyuu-san, the way to end this whole thing. However, with the pushing out of the soul, memories are forgotten. You need not worry about that because I've already put the soul fragments from your original dimension and Giyuu-san's third life into his current body. However, he is going to have some trouble remembering everything. If you chose this to do this, everything to work correctly, you have to gather everyone who's traveled from your original dimension. All of the demons and humans, you have to gather them up quickly. Before, your vessels start to crumble.

Speaking truthfully, I would like to get you out of this situation myself, but that is not possible. It a miracle that I was even able to write this letter and send it. I'm sorry for putting all of you in this predicament. I promise that I will help when the situation allows me too. Also, you have to be discrete about all of your actions regarding this matter because you are always being watched by that guy. If he knows that you have gotten such a letter, you won't have any memory of this and you'll be back at square one. You aren't the only one who's gotten a letter such as this one, but I don't know if the other letters have been delivered and read successfully. Either way, please move with caution, and I will make this up to you after this is all over.


A Sun Breath User

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