Chapter 33: Those Who Get Angry for Others have the Strongest Rage (2)

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"Daki, there's a demon who escaped. She is a girl in a leaf-patterned linen kimono and a checkered sash. Find her and put an end to her. You're the only one I can ask."

Daki remembered the words Muzan told her. The words about a female demon who had escaped his control, and he wanted her dead.
Nezuko with her crack like scars, sharpened pupils, and popping veins, dashed towards Daki to attack. She was getting ready to kick, but only got her leg cut off. Next, a part of Daki sash went for her abdomen to cut her straight in half. The force slammed Nezuko into the the wall of the buildings on the next row.  Nezuko was pilled under broken wooden planks and her face was fuming in rage. Daki jumped down from the roof and looked at Nezuko with a look of amusement and superiority.
"You poor thing, your torso is now in complete shreds. You shouldn't be moving. That's a big wound for a half-asses being like you. You can't regenerate."
Without paying much attention to Nezuko's actual state, Daki kept rambling her mouth about killing Nezuko using the sun. 
"Demons would never kill each other, and it'd be a waste of time..."
Daki's words thinned at Nezuko crawled out of the pile of broken wood. Nezuko stood up straight with both of her legs. However, she was missing an arm. Though that wasn't much of a problem seeing as Nezuko grew her hand back in an instant. Daki was sure that she had ripped Nezuko into shreds and yet she could still stand without a problem. Plus, the regeneration speed of Nezuko had used to grow back her arm was matching that of an upper moon. 

The bamboo muzzle broke and fell out of her mouth. Her body grew to the size of a full grown adult. A horn had grown out of the right side of her forehead, and a leaf pattern spread across her body. Again, Nezuko dashed head first into Daki's attack range getting ready to attack on her own. Getting into range and getting ready for a kick, Daki had cut Nezuko's arm and leg. With the success, Daki went and aimed for Nezuko's head. Although, she didn't notice how Nezuko had already regenerated her limbs and stepped straight into Daki's abdomen. Nezuko forced Daki onto the ground leaving Daki confused. Nezuko's regeneration speed was faster than her own and that meant that in some way, a little girl was stronger than her. During this whole situation, Nezuko's blood no longer flowed with rage but amusement, and excitement. A large, merciless smile spread across her face. Daki hated this situation and cut off Nezuko's every limb, even her head. Nezuko's blood splatted all over their surroundings, but her limbs weren't severed. Nezuko had solidified her own blood keeping her limbs connected to her torso. Daki was already surprised by this, but the sizzle around her body and the start of her body burning caused her fear. The burning sensation on her skin, reminding Daki of something she had felt before. Like she had been burned already. While Nezuko put her body back in it's respected place, all of the pieces snapping back on. 

Nezuko continued to torture Daki. She continued to stomp into the girl over and over and over and over, until Nezuko finally pushed her into a building, a building holding people. When she walked in, Nezuko was already exhausted from the vast amount of energy she used powering up and regenerating. A woman in the building was injured and the sent sweet caught the nose of Nezuko's hungry stomach. She wanted something to eat. She wanted something good, and the women in front of her was a good meal to eat in her eyes. Nezuko goes charging at the women in hunger with saliva streaming out of her mouth.

"Nii-chan, you and Nee-chan are really similar. You're both sweet, but you're both scary when you get mad."
Tanjiro was unconscious and in his dream, he heard the voice of one of his younger brothers, Tekeo. He was standing in the forest they used to live in together. Standing in the forest in the middle of Winter, in the middle of the snowy days.
"Some time ago, Nee-chan got mad at a vulgar adult because he bumped into a little kid and injured him. She told him to apologize. Things were okay back then because there were a lot of adults around, but I was scared. People who get hurt for other people's sake show a lack of concern for themselves, and one day because of this fact, she might lose something precious. That's what scares me."
Tekeo turned around to look back at Tanjiro with a worrying face,
"Save her, Nii-chan. Nee-chan will lose herself."
Those words forced him to wake up.

Tanjiro shoved his sword into Nezuko's mouth like a muzzle just before she bit the women. 
Nezuko wanted to get out of his hold and slammed Tanjiro to the ground by slamming onto the ground backwards. Nezuko screamed--more like howled--out of rage and kept struggling to get out of Tanjiro's hold.
Tanjiro pinned Nezuko to the floor by locking his legs around her waist and pulling her to the ground using his sword in her mouth. Nezuko's saliva got all over her face and Tanjiro sword. She screamed, yelled, struggled, and scratched at her brother's face. Through all of the pain his body was going through, Tanjiro kept his sister at bay and yelled.
Tanjiro already knew how much Nezuko was hurting. How many times her limbs were severed from her body. After all, her blood was splatted all over the ground outside of the building. 
Tanjiro tried soothing his sister with words that didn't reach her ears. Nezuko continued to struggle. She continued to yell and scream. She continued to cause harm to her brother. She got a grip on the ground and jumped up crashing Tanjiro back first into the first floor roof, landing them on the second floor ground. The people on the second floor started screaming about people shooting up from the floor, but Tanjiro didn't pay any mind to them. He was more focused on calming his siter down so she wouldn't attack people and be killed. Tanjiro was weezing, his body was breaking down, but he continued to tell his sister to sleep. She kept yelling in insanity. Yelling out of hunger, her pupils going to the back of her head.

Tanjiro already had enough on his plate. With his broken body, his sister, and now Daki who had recovered. Although, her face was still half burnt but that didn't matter. Tanjiro had yet another problem to deal with. He had to stop his sister from going wild, protect the multiple people, and deal with an upper moon. Doing all there was impossible, but Tanjiro was thinking of ways he could make them happen. Just as he was going on all of his options, Uzui appeared in front of his face, his eyes fully widened. 
"Hey, isn't this Kamado Nezuko? She's flamboyantly progressing into a demon."
As always, Uzui's appearance surprised Tanjiro, but he still managed to hold his sister down. Instead of paying attention to the demon, Uzui kept pestering Tanjiro about Nezuko.
"You made such a huge show in front of Oyakata-sama and THIS is how it turned out."
Daki was surprised by the sudden appearance o the pillar and had a whole bunch to say, but Uzui had no intention of listening to her. He just brushed her off and said,
"You're NOT an upper moon demon. You're way too weak. You are not the demon I am looking for."
Just as he said that, Daki's head came falling off her shoulders.

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