Chapter 44: The Story: Punishment of Reincarnation

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When first being born as a god or chosen to become a servant, a story was always told. A story that actually happened years into the past. It always started as such:
"Love between master and servant does nothing but ruin you."

An old god of water. A god who blessed vessels that moved across waters and drowned calamities before they even rose. He was a god that didn't talk much, but was known as kind. Rarely did he drown human ships without a reason. Of course, there were the occasional accidents when his power spun out of control during the change of servants.

Like always, when his servant was reaching their expiration date, he went searching for another to take their place. The gender of servants never mattered to him. It was just any person who caught his eye. As such was with any god looking for a servant

Like before he didn't pay attention to the gender. He chose someone with brown haired and ocean blue eyes. The soul was kind. It fought for the things it cherished. It cried in the place of others, and even shed tears for enemies. It was in the moments the soul cried that the water god found it interesting. From those ocean blue eyes, it was like the ocean itself was being created. He could see the sparkle from the reflecting of the sun. In the moments it had lost their father, the moment tears left those eyes, the water god was looking down. He selected that soul to become his next servant. The next soul he was going to deteriorate.

When the soul met the criteria to enter what people called the heavenly realm, the water good was ecstatic. He may had been the god of water, but there was never a time where he could descend on earth and experience the coolness of water himself. He could never go fishing during the spring, go swimming in a lake over the summer, go boating in the fall, or make snowman in the winter. He was never allowed to experience what he ruled on for himself. As such, he wanted to experience it from the eyes he found that cried tears from the ocean. However, he never voiced that thought as he found it rude to ask a person to cry.

Although that was his wish, he found that the women he choose had value somewhere else. The soul was kind. Included everyone, befriended everyone. It was someone straight out of a fairytale. So kind that even animals gathered around. It calmly talked to her master. Never annoyed by his short responses or walked away from not getting a response. The soul would always smiled kindly and continued a pleasant conversation.

At some point, the tears he first took an interest in had no important place in his mind. What he found more valuable was the smile that graced it's face everyday. He found that he wanted to protect that smile rather than destroying it with the command of crying.

The days they spent together was something they both enjoyed. They were the brightest in the presence of each other. Everyone, even the other servants and master that crossed their paths, saw the affection in their eyes. At the time, there were no rules against a romantic relationship between a master and their servant. If anything, everyone was fond of such a relationship. However, they all knew the inevitable was going to happen one day. The day where the woman's soul was going to deteriorate from the gods power, and she was going to become part of his power.

No one really understood why the subject of the soul becoming a power source of the god was something that the water god, himself, didn't want. It meant that the soul would be with him forever. That it would support him in ruling over the seas. But, he wanted to remain with the soul until his death. He didn't want to lose the kind personality nor the smile the it always showed him. It was safe to say that the powerful water god could no longer live without this particular soul's presence. However, preserving a human soul from the decomposing because of a gods power was impossible. 

The time was coming near. The sweet human's soul the god was using to preserve his own life was on it's last thread. He couldn't accept that. The loss of kindness shown to him after thousands of years. The loss of the kind smile. He wouldn't allow that to slip through his fingers. He couldn't survive without that smile and the cheerful good mornings even though it was impossible to determine the time in the realm of the gods.

So, he decided to do something forbidden. He was going to  bring up another human soul to take the current ones place before the current one reached it's expiration date. However, he was caught in the act. Just when he was going to select another soul, he was caught, reported, and detained. Along with him, the kind soul he was trying to protect. 

The water god pleaded. He asked for most merciful punishment. Not for him, but for the kind soul he dragged into to selfish mess. The soul he'd grown to love. He told them that the soul had nothing to do with that he planned. Everything he planned was a secret only known to him. Which was the truth and acknowledged as the truth. As such, the soul of the kind human was allowed to say goodbye to their god for the final time. Kissing him on his forehead, before receiving the necessary punishment of reincarnation with the inability of the feeling called love. 

When falling into the dark pit leading to reincarnation, the soul smiled at him. While he was behind those god restricting jail cells, he smiled back with tears rolling down his cheeks. He had to let it go. He could no longer be selfish. He would miss his precious soul, but he had to accept that this was his fate. 

However, the unexpected happened. When the water god's affection first arose, he gave this soul a neckless. One that held someone of his power. With that exact necklace the soul fell into the river of reincarnation, and it happened. The overseers found the power in the neckless separate from it and created a separate soul to be reincarnated as well. 

It's said that this fragment of his power was bound to fall in love with the soul. Whether he remembered anything from the time it was part of a god--whether it was put into a different human vessel--he was destined to fall in love with his precocious human soul. However, with the ability to love taken away, the soul would never fall in love with him.

Thus, the eternal unrequited love started between a god and a human.

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