Author's Note

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This has nothing to do with the plot of this story or any other I'm made/making. There is no need to read this long ass note if you don't want to. Also, I sincerely apologize if I bothered any of you.

Hey, it's me, the author of this story, also known as A-6779. I'm just here to let you readers know a little more about my writing process, story planning, inspiration for this story and updates. Also, I wanted appreciate everyone who's supported this story. For example, adding it to your reading lists, voting, and commenting. Before I get to that though, I would like to apologizing if I have annoyed you or upset you in anyway by @ you. If you feel uncomfortable with your usernames being mentioned please message me and I'll remove your username from this chapter. Another thing, you don't have to read through this.

First, I'll explain my inspiration for this story. I used to be a very frequent reader on Wattpad. I'd read a new book, continue reading a book, or reread a book everyday. It was very entertaining reading what other authors would write. During that time, I had stumbled upon books that would have the setting of traveling back in time, also perceived as reliving life for a second time. At the time I was also in the process of finishing my first book which was focused on the ship SasuNaru, or Sasuke x Naruto. From reading all of those books with the same setting, I wanted to creat something of a similar nature. I wanted to write a book where the chosen main character would travel back in time and relive their life. As I mentioned earlier, I was used to making SasuNaru fanfiction, so that was the ship I have chosen to use that setting with. When I was coming up with the chapters, I had a thought,
"I've seen so many SasuNaru fanfictions with the turn back time setting, so readers would get bored from the same setting and the same ship."
Because of that thought, I erased the three chapters I had created and decided to chose another ship to work with. After a few months of forgetting, remembering, and thinking, I had decided to use a ship from Demon Slayer. Anyway, thoughts lead to other thoughts and I ended up choosing the Giyuu x Tanjiro, GiyuTan.

You might have noticed that the setting of traveling back in time was changed in the recent chapters. If you hadn't noticed that yet, I sincerely apologize that I had not given you the chance to figure that out yourself. While I was writing these chapters, I still had the intention of the setting being reliving life, but things had changed halfway through. I was in the middle of writing the chapter, but then I had another thought,
"Wouldn't it be boring to have the same old setting like all of the other stories."
Not to shame the theme, I just felt that it would be boring to write something like that, so I decided to switch things up. Well, ideas lead to, what I thought, more entertaining ideas, and this is basically what I ended up with.

Now, I'm going to inform you about the story planning and writing process. I'm going to be bluntly honest with all of you. I don't plan my stories out nor do I have a special way of writing them. I do have an idea of some of the events that are going to happen within the story, but I have no clue when or how the story is going to reach that event. I'm just going whenever my mind gets me. As for the writing process, I don't actually have one. Well, if you don't count deleting and writing words or phrases that would help readers understand what the characters are feeling.

With publishing new chapters, if you haven't already noticed, there is no pattern. Updating just happens whenever inspiration strikes, and I can't predict when that happens. This means, that updating will be irregular, so there most likely won't be a chapter posted after this.

Now that all of that is out of the way, it's time to appreciate the readers of this story! You might think this is weird, but recently I have saved the usernames of the people who support this story. Some of you might be mentioned multiple times, and I'm sorry if I missed your username. I will not be adding usernames to this list, but I will be making another note to appreciate all of your that come after this is published. Again, I'm sorry if I annoyed you or angered you by mentioning your username. Please, if you find being mentioned uncomfortable, message me and I'll remove your username from this note. I also want to inform you that this has nothing to do with when you did these or my favoritism towards any of you.

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