Chapter 13: God Or Demon? It Doesn't Matter

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[Tomioka Giyuu's POV]
Where am I? Wasn't I just fighting Upper Moon Three? I was fighting with Rengoku to protect the passengers and Tanjiro, but...
Where's Tanjiro? Where is he? Is he safe? Alive? Was his stab wound treated?

I can't see him. It's so dark that I can't even make out a figure of him. He'll answer when I call out to him, right? He's close enough to hear me right? He was only a few feet away from me before, so he should hear me.
I can't speak...? Did something happen to my vocal cords? That's not important. I have to find Tanjiro and make sure he's...
Why can't I feel the ground?

It doesn't feel like I'm dangling in the air. Am I floating? Even if I'm floating, I have to find a way to move around and navigate. I can't speak, but I should still be able to feel around. Wait, can I even move? If I try to reach my arm out...

It's not moving...
That not right. I don't have arms to move. I don't have legs or a head to move either. I feel like a small sphere...

How am I going to get to Tanjiro like this? There has to be some-
"To think you died this early."
Died? I died? The reason I can't feel my limbs...
The reason I feels like a small sphere...
The reason I can't move...
I died and lost my body. Is this what people call a spiritual form?
"That's right!"
What? You can hear me?
Is Tanjiro okay?
"He's fine! But shouldn't you be more worried about your own situation?"
My own situation? I don't really care. I haven't thought about that since I got here. Now that I know Tanjiro's okay, I can rest in peace.
"Don't you want to tell him how you feel?"
Do I? Yeah, I always wanted to tell him how I feel, but the first time I built up my courage. Well...
I don't want to think about that.
"To think you'd give up this easily."
There's nothing I can do. I'm already dead. I can't see him in this form, and even if I could, I don't want to haunt him. I would just be disturbing him more than helping.
"So if you had a physical body, would you want to be by his side again?"
Of course. Just being away from him is agonizing. When he...
When he died, I didn't know what to do with myself. It's the same here. I can't hear his voice or hold his hands. I can only picture his face in my mind. It just makes me realize how I can never see him again.
"I you want a third chance?"
"Another chance to win his heart and make him yours. A chance to live a life next to your beloved, and a way to make sure he doesn't fall for anyone else. Doesn't that sound nice?"

Can I really? Can I really see Tanjiro again?
"That's right! Just say the word and you can be next to him again"
Isn't that impossible? Bringing someone back to life? Even if you can, what physical body are you going to give me? It's not like you can make me new one out of nowhere. Bringing a person back for the dead is something only-
"Something only a god can do."
"Who said I was a normal person? If you want to go back just say so, and I'll send you back to the mortal world"
Are you a demon?
"Hahahaha, that's a first!"

So, you'll send me back to land.
"That's right!"
And this isn't a joke?
"Just who do you think I am!? I stay true to my word unlike those untrustworthy humans!"
If I can go back to Tanjiro, it does matter if you're the god or a demon. I don't want to confess my feelings if it makes him uncomfortable, but if I can stand by his side, protect his kind soul, I'll go back. I'll stay by him no matter what.
"You don't even know the specifics, and you still want to do this?"
I told you I don't care. I just want to see him again.
"You really shouldn't say things like that!"
I'll say and do whatever I want.
"Alright, alright. But before you go back down, there's something you need to know."

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