Chapter 15: Let's Play A "Friendly" Game

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The inevitable announcement came. The announcement to capture the two remaining Kamado siblings. This time was different though.

When Shinobu came in contact with the sibilings, Giyuu hadn't told them to run. He hugged each sibling with an arm and stared at Shinobu darkly.

He looked calm yet seemed angry. Giyuu's eyes were the things giving off the most light in the dark forest. His hands pushing their heads near his chest and protecting them from anything. The form he was in had holes in his defense everywhere, but it would scare of any animal that dared cross him.

Shinobu was, more or less, confused and puzzled, but she didn't show it. She wore her normal suspicious smile while looking at the unique sight.
"Tomioka, you do know that you're holding a demon and a wanted convict?"
Giyuu didn't respond but kept looking at Shinobu with his normal stare. She continued to smile at him with the same smile. She looked down from Giyuu's face to the two children. They were both bloody and tattered up. The one in the slayer uniform was visually exhausted and the demon wearing the mussel wasn't awakened from the bloodlust meaning that she was extremely tired as well.

Giyuu hugged the two siblings tighter. He also felt Tanjiro snuggle into his chest a little. Which made him calm down a bit, and his gaze wavered from Shinobu to Tanjiro. Shinobu took that chance to try and wedge one of Giyuu's arms of the demon, Nezuko.

His voice was deeper and darker.
"What do you think you're doing?"
Giyuu was acting like a dragon that was protecting it's precious, unexchangeable, treasure. Giyuu's eyes had narrowed as soon as he felt her touch his arm. The sudden change in air was a surprise. The shift from calm to angry. The emotion of surprise didn't show on the face of Shinobu.
"Following orders."

Giyuu knew this was going to happen. He knew that he had to let go, but what if something else happened. He was in a different place than before, there was no insurance that things would turn out the same. Then again...
The person who also...
The chance of that was low. Out of the demons and slayers, there were just too many.
Then again, going off what that guy told me, maybe it's a good idea to let the two of them go.
Giyuu's hold on the two loosened giving Shinobu the chance to move his arm and take Nezuko out of Giyuu's grasp.

Immediately, Giyuu reached out his hand to try and grab the younger Kamado siblings, but Shinobu was to fast at pulling away. His grip tightened around Tanjiro making sure the other siblings wasn't snatch away.

Shinobu's and Giyuu's stare down continued. Shinobu had thought of just putting her blade somewhere threatening and force Giyuu to let go of the kid. But there was a rule stating that slayer couldn't engage in harmful fights unless given permission by the Master, and well, Oyakata-sama wasn't there at the moment. He could get the details on the situation by the three crows looking at the unnatural situation, but he wasn't there himself. There was also the possibility of approving the fight through crows, but Oyakata-sama doesn't like when his "children" fight. 

It was a clear stale mate. That was until Tsuyuri Kanao showed up. It became two against one, and the prize for this game was the two Kamado siblings, both of them. The game being called, Capturing and Protecting the Wanted.

The status of the two opposing sides are:

Tomioka Giyuu: Defense
Currently in possession of the oldest Kamado sibling, Kamado Tanjiro

Shinobu Kocho & Tsuyuri Kanao: Offense
Currently in possession of the younger Kamado sibling, Kamado Nezuko

Kamado Tanjiro:
Human Demon Slayer (Qualified)
Wanted for protecting and carrying around his demon sister

Kamado Nezuko:
Demon being carried by a Demon Slayer
Wanted for being a demon

Now then, so they don't keep you waiting, lets start the first, and last, ever played of the game of Capturing and Protecting the Wanted begin!

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