Chapter 4: He was Lonely

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Giyuu continued looking at Ubuyashiki waiting for his next words. Ubuyashiki slowly opened his mouth and began speaking.
"You're probably wondering why I called you back suddenly."
Giyuu stayed silent fearing he would choke up, but decided that it would be best to say something short.
"I am."
Ubuyashiki stared at Giyuu with his eyes that couldn't see and said,
"Giyuu, why are there tears rolling down your face?"
There was tears streaming down Giyuu's face?
That's when Giyuu realized that he was trembling. Giyuu lifted his trembling hand to his face. He felt tears that falling out of his eyes. The tears that wouldn't fall before were coming out as easily as a flowing river. The long awaited tears were finally falling. The moment he felt relief his tears streamed down his face. Through his blurred vision he saw Ubuyashiki with his arms open. Giyuu didn't ask when he got up and embraced Ubuyashiki.

Situations like these were uncommon. Situations where Hashira show their true feelings. This situation was even more rare. To see the water pillar, Giyuu Tomioka, hugging the master of demon slayers, Ubuyashiki Kagaya, and crying on his shoulder. Ubuyashiki was gently stroking Giyuu's head as he cried. It was like Giyuu had become a small child again. All of Giyuu's pent up stress was let out with the tears. His pain from losing everyone was slowly being eased. This was the reason Ubuyashiki had called Giyuu back so suddenly. He had felt like something had happened to Giyuu and called him back. No words were exchanged between the two for several minutes.

Now, the only sound in the room was Giyuu's small sniffles. Even though Giyuu was finished crying the two continued their warm embrace. Ubuyashiki decided that this was the best moment to talk, but before he could say something, Giyuu spoke.
"I was so lonely."
A soft smile spread on Ubuyashiki's face,
"Everyone is still here Giyuu."
There was a short pause between his words,
"We're always by your side, so there's no need to feel lonely."
It's as if he knew everything that had happened to Giyuu. Maybe, Ubuyashiki did know. Maybe, his foresight showed him something. Slowly, Giyuu pulled away from the hugged and wiped his tears away. He went back to where he was sitting before and was looking as the ground.
Giyuu mumbled. Giyuu's expression was back to his calm and unreadable expression. The only difference was that his eyes were red, puffy and he had tear stains on his cheeks.
"How about you take a break for a while?"
Giyuu looked up and saw the unwavering smile he was familiar with. Now, Giyuu truly wished that this was reality. But, he couldn't jump to conclusions and decided to think of this as something between reality and dream.
Giyuu had gotten lost in thought before he responded, so he responded correctly this time,

Giyuu walked out of the Master's residence and saw Rengoku walking to the Master's mansion.
"You look like a mess Tomioka!"
Giyuu eyes moved to look at Rengoku but didn't respond. Rengoku had continued walking when Giyuu whispered,
"Make sure not to die."
Rengoku stopped walking and looked back at Giyuu with a surprised expression. He looked at Giyuu's back as he was walking away. Rengoku smiled and turned around,
The two continued on their separate ways.

Giyuu reached his own residence and took his haori off. While folding his haori he was thinking. If Rengoku is still here, that means he's going to die soon. Wait, he couldn't be sure. He didn't even know what day it was. Well, he thought to himself. I'll figure it out after I sleep a bit. Giyuu finished folding his haori and placed it on the ground. Then, he changed into his sleeping clothes. Giyuu opened his closer and pulled his bedding out. He laid everything out and got under his blanket. He spoke before he fell asleep,
"This is enough for now."
After those words, Giyuu's consciousness slowly faded into sleep.

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