Chapter 41: Anxiousness

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A woman in traditional shine maiden clothes with a jade yang pendent hanging from her neck and silky black hair running down to her knees. Atop her head a golden crown in the shape of the sun.

The lady sat in a throne with golden lined red cushions. From he words, actions, and facial expression, one could easily tell that she was not in the best of moods. She was extremely angered. Her choice of words signaled that she was looking—or waiting—for someone of the male gender to arrive. Not only that, the person seemed to be late enough for the lady to throw a cup to the floor.
"Please calm down."
There was a man next to her trying his best to calm her anger. His tone was stiff, with no emotion. Clearly not a voice that would help sooth someone in emotional distress. However, he stood beside her and spoke for her to calm down.

To the man's attempt to calm her down, the women just threw a teapot at his head.
"Shut up. I don't need something reaching it's expiration date!"
The man didn't do anything but stand there silently, giving up all effort to calm the woman down. He just stood without cleaning himself of the hot tea or retaliating against the women. This single notion showed that the relationship between the two was master and servant. It wasn't one of mutual respect but one sided abuse. Well, that's what it became. Before it was a relationship of mutual respect, but as the servants expiration ate got closer, it turned to abuse. However, the servant didn't resent his master for doing such a thing. After all, he understood where it was coming.

In the world they lived in, a master can't exist without a servant, and a one, eternal servant doesn't exist. It would be more convenient for both parties if the system worked as such, but that impossible considering master and servant were of different races. Not only that, a servant's task slowly destroys them. Which was why, each servant had an expiration date. If a master didn't get another servant before the expiration date of their current servant, they would destroy themselves and turn the mortal realm into a form of hell.

For that reason, the woman dressed in shine maiden clothing was now abusing her servant. If her next servant didn't arrive before her current servant's expiration date, she would turn the mortal realm into a bright, scorching hell. All traces of life wouldn't be found, water would be an untold legend.

The situation was bad as it is, but it only got worse. Usually, the master would be able to monitor her future servant. If they were living out their life, if part of their soul was in the waiting room, if the cluster of the soul finally reached the minimum amount to go to the after life. The master knew everything. However, this master couldn't. The women in the shrine maiden outfit couldn't monitor her servant like she used too, and all of the soul fragments that were in the waiting room disappeared. It was like someone was intentionally blocking her communication to them.

When she had figured that out, she started acting hostile to all of the other masters. That started every one of the masters to act hostile to one another. They all thought that one of them would be wishing for the downfall of other masters just because she turned hostile to all of them. All of the meet ups and get togethers stopped, and everyone paid close attention to their servants. Anxious that one day, they wouldn't be able to see their own.

The master's were the only ones worried about their situation. The servants were too. None of them wanted their masters to self destruct and be called an evil being. They wanted nothing but to see their masters live out their long lives with joy. They all had this feeling, though they had different ways of expressing it. However, each servant has lived a life without their master, so it was safe to say that their masters weren't at the top of their lives. Occasionally, they would get the opportunity to look at the places they lived and check if their loved ones were okay. There were some that wished to go back, but knew it was impossible. It was impossible so they settled with the second best option of serving their masters with everything they had. Since that was the case, they too were worried about the situation. If their masters would to not have a servant, they would blow and ruin a whole realm. The realm would be destroyed and their loved ones would certainly die in the matter of seconds. In truth, it wasn't their masters being called evil beings that made them anxious about the situation—they were worried about that, but they cared more about the people they love. That was why the servants wished for the person wishing for the destruction of their master disappear.

Throughout the whole heavenly realm, servants and masters were filled with anxiousness, worry, and fright.

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