Chapter 6: The Flame is Going to be Extinguished

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The five days of break Ubuyashiki had given Giyuu was over. He had spent most of his time at Butterfly Mansion, hanging around Tanjiro, and the rest training. He also got to know more about Inosuke and Zenitsu. Giyuu was a little down when he found out that Tanjiro had a mission on the same day as his.

At night, Giyuu was sitting on a train next to Rengoku.
"Cheer up a little Tomioka!"
Yes, at the moment Giyuu was feeling down. He had to separate from Tanjiro after all. He was so down that he didn't notice his surroundings. This mission was the unfortunate mission when the Flame Hashira, Rengoku Kyojuro, died. This was the mission where not one, but two, of the Twelve Kizuki appeared. For some twist of fate, the future had been changed without Giyuu having to do anything. Why had the future changed? Well, the reason for that was a simple one, Ubuyashiki had saw something.

After the meeting with Giyuu, Ubuyashiki had a meeting with Rengoku.
"Yes, Oyakata-sama?"
Rengoku's red, orange, and yellow eyes never left the face of Ubuyashiki.
"You passed Giyuu on the way here, correct?"
Rengoku nodded his head slightly,
"That's correct."
"Did he seem...different?"
In Rengoku's head, he was going over what Giyuu was like when they passed each other. Then, he remembered something unusual.
"He told me not to die!"
He spoke in his loud, proud, and bold voice. Ubuyashiki was taken aback. Giyuu, the quiet Hashira that would rarely voice his thoughts, had told Rengoku not to die? Not only did Giyuu cry but he voiced his thoughts for someone not to die. This was unusual. Ubuyashiki left his thoughts and spoke,
"The train mission I was going to give you..."
He paused to think for a bit more. Was he making the right choice? Well, this was what he thought best so all Ubuyashiki could do was hope his decision wouldn't get his "children" killed.
"I'm having Giyuu join you on the mission."
Rengoku didn't have any offensiveness in his voice,
"I understand!"

"You have to show some assertiveness!"
Rengoku was trying encouraging Giyuu out of his down state. Rengoku kept speaking but at some point, Giyuu had tuned him out.

Some time later, a train worker walked down the aisle with a bento boxes. The worker was asking if any of the riders wanted to buy one. When the worker passed by, Rengoku bought to of the bento boxes and began eating.

When Rengoku was on his second rice ball, Giyuu heard voices outside.
That was Inosuke.
The boar was here that means...
Giyuu snapped out of his mood and looked outside the window. There was a flash of a familiar haori where the yellow faded into orange and the white triangles scattered across the two colors.
Two of the three were definitely here so...
"I'll lead the charge."
What? Lead the charge?
Giyuu threw his window open and stuck his head out. Inosuke was hunched over with his hands on his swords. He was getting to charge like a boar.

Giyuu wanted to know what was going to happen so he just watched as Rengoku asked what was going on.
"No, you calm down Inosuke!"
Inosuke straighter his back a little and looked to his right.
He's here...
But where?
Zenitsu stepped back allowed Giyuu to see a checkered black and green haori. He's here, Giyuu thought.

Giyuu decided not to interfere and watch. Tanjiro held his right hand to the side, motioning to the train.
"You never know, it might be the guardian spirit of this land. It might not be good to attack it!"
Zenitsu was looked at to two of them with the, 'You're joking, right' face while Giyuu was thinking about how cute Tanjiro was. Zenitsu spoke with a bland voice,
"No, didn't you hear me? It's just a steam train."
Zenitsu repeated what he said,
"You know what a 'train' is, right?"
Then he explained what a train was,
"It's a vehicle for transporting people-"
Zenitsu realized the the two weren't listening to him and in an annoyed, but still bland voice,
"You damn country bumpkins..."
Inosuke ignored what Tanjiro and Zenitsu said. He yelled,
Inosuke started charging towards the train side. He head butted the train side yelling. Zenitsu ran to his side. He was talking loud but wasn't yelling.
"Stop that! You're embarrassing us!"
The train police came running. When the guards saw that they had swords, they started chasing after them even more persistently.

After the three shook off the guards, and Zenitsu explained that Demon Slayers weren't recognized by the government. The three of them attempted to hide their swords behind their backs. Of course, that didn't work for Inosuke because he doesn't wear shirts. So, when they put their swords behind their backs, Inosuke looked like a complete fool.

The train had started leaving the station before they got on, so the three of them had to run. When they got closer to the train end, they jumped onto the back of the train and looked out to the station they left.

After Inosuke, Tanjiro, and Zenitsu walked down the train car aisle, they ran into Rengoku and Giyuu. The five of them decided to sit next to each other. Zenitsu and Inosuke were sitting next to Rengoku sharing food. Tanjiro was sitting next to Giyuu making sure Nezuko, his now demon sister, was okay.

All of them sat as the train moved. None of them, not even Giyuu, who's from the future, knew exactly what was going to happen on this unfortunate mission.

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