Chapter 22: In This Life, Let Them be Blessed with Good Fortune

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Giyuu had something extremely important to do today. Although, he wanted to see Tanjiro like any other day, he couldn't. Today, or this night, was when he had to confront both Rengoku and Ubuyashiki. He had realized that a certain event was going to happen soon. He had to make sure that he was assigned that mission. If everything goes as they planned, they might get passed the end point of the last life. Everything depended on Ubuyashiki's decision and Giyuu's persuasion skills.
"I came to see Oyakata-sama."
"Please wait a moment."
Giyuu was waiting outside of the Master's house waiting for the door to open. He was hoping that his wife wouldn't say,
'Unfortunately the Master is not feeling. If it's please important please tell me. If it's not, please come back at a later date.'
That would be ruin the whole plan, and he would be going against the Oyakata-sama.

There's an an unspoken rule between pillars. Don't get involved in another Hashira's mission unless the Master assigned you there. Even bumping each other while one is doing mission, another Hashira can't help out. Not only does that get counted as stealing a kill, but it's like you're telling them,
'You're weak, so step back.'
Because of this rule, Giyuu can't intervene in Rengoku's mission. Giyuu doesn't want to call Rengoku weak in any way.

The Flame Hashira was strong. Extremely strong. Maybe one of the strongest out of all of the Hashiras. Giyuu thought this because of his experience on the train. He had understood how Rengoku had died before. Rengoku was exhausted but protected the passed out and tired people next to the train. He managed to suspend upper moon three without the mark until the sun started rising into the sky. It was because of this that in Giyuu's eyes, Rengoku was an admirable swordsman. He was the perfect model of a demon slayer. Someone to look up to.

Giyuu waited at the main entrance door until it was slid open by the Master's wife, Ubuyashiki Amane.
"Oyakata-sama will see you now."
Giyuu lowered his head in respect, then walked into the house, heading to the visiting room. Instead of walking right in, Giyuu knocked on the wooden sliding door, waited for permission to walk inside, then opened the door.

"Giyuu, my child, you had something to say?"
Ubuyashiki was his normal soft and calming self. His comforting presence as the same, and it looked like his disease did worsen. As normal, Giyuu was sitting in front of Oyakata-sama at a lower elevation and formally. His calfs and feet tucked under his thighs. His hands were calmly laid on his lap. His sword was taken off his belt and laying next to him. This was the perfect form of respect everyone showed when sitting in front of the Master and talking.
"Oyakata-sama, about the mission you gave to Rengoku, the train mission..."
Giyuu was hesitant to speak. There were so many ways the plan he and Shinazugawa could fail. For example, Giyuu didn't know how he was going to respond when Oyakata-sama asked how he knew about the mission that was assigned to another Hashira, or he might deny permission. Still, Giyuu had to bolder his way through, so he could change something this time.
"I wish to go on that mission with him."
Hearing this took Ubuyashiki aback. He never expected Giyuu to ask to join someone on a mission.

The Water Hashira was a distant person. He could be right next to someone, but they could feel like he was far away. He was someone who stood away from crowds. A person you could easily point out, but then again, could miss at any moment. Someone who preferred to stay as far as he could, and make as little emotion connection as possible. That was the picture people close to him pictured. Of course, when other demon slayers hear the name, Water Hashira, they think of someone strong, cool, reliable, and a person to look up to. It was in this aspect that the Water Hashira failed to meet the expectations of others. He was strong, cool, reliable in battle, but he wasn't the type of person people look up to. No one wanted to be the person on the side lines. The person that was distant and awkward to be around. Some people, especially the ladies, might think he's cool because of the mysterious and distant aura. That idea goes away after trying to conduct a conversation with him. Even though this happened often, the Water Hashira never cared.

Those were only some of the reasons Ubuyashiki found it unnatural for Giyuu to be asking to join someone on their mission. He was so concerned with Giyuu's mental state that he didn't bother wondering how Giyuu knew about the mission he gave Rengoku. Then again, Giyuu would never say such things without have a clear and meaningful reason to. Ubuyashiki's intuition was telling him to let Giyuu on the mission, and not to worry about the sudden personality change.
"I see. I don't see any problem with that. Giyuu, you seem to have an important reason for this request, so I'll allow you to go. When you get back, I would like to know the answer for this sudden change."
Giyuu nodded,
"Thank you. Please excuse me."
With that the permission to go on the train mission was granted. There was a slight problem, but that could be dealt with after he successfully completes the mission. That was the thing he was wishing for most when leaving the Master's mansion.

After that talk with Ubuyashiki, Giyuu went to see Shinazugawa. It was a brief conversation of Giyuu just telling Shinazugawa about the way things went while talking to Ubuyashiki.
"Looks like we're going to have a problem later."
Shinazugawa had also noticed the problem they were going to have to deal with after the mission was successfully cleared. Although that problem seemed to be a small to normal person, it was a big problem to the two of them. The reason being is Giyuu's personality, and his horrible lying ability. There's no tells like a change in body language nor a change in tone, but people close to Giyuu find it easy to pick out the lies in his words. None of them know why they can see through his lies, so they called it instinct and went on with their day. I'd be a lie if they never thought of the reason why, but they would never figure out the reason.
"As you said it's a problem for later."
Shinazugawa looked at Giyuu with unamused eyes, even though he kind had a point. Changing a lying habit that no one knew about was impossible. When the time came, they just had to hope that the Master wouldn't catch on.

Giyuu decided to rest for the day, so he would have enough energy. Although, he would be missing a little Tanjiro in his life there was nothing he could do about it. He had to be fully rested so he could contribute and protect Tanjiro from any danger that might threaten his life. Giyuu also had to protect Rengoku from any life damaging injuries, but then again they had a plan for that. The plan was thoroughly thought out. At the moment everything was in it's rightful place. If the plan was executed smoothly, the train mission would be competed with no faults, but everyone knows that reality loves to throw everything into the dirt.
"...I want to see Tanjiro..."
Two days until the train event.

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