Chapter 49: The Lows in Life

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Giyuu was trapped in the hordes of people that were happy, talking about how delicious their last meal was going to be. Giyuu couldn't pinpoint when, but somewhere while they were getting food together, Giyuu had gotten himself swarmed by people and lost track of Tanjiro. All of those people were patting him on the back, congratulating him on the end coming. However, he cared nothing for what they had to say. Seriously, he was more focused on finding red hair through the crowd of people. Aside from that, nothing else mattered. 

Giyuu pushed people out of the way, trying to get a better look at the people in the crowd. Truthfully, he wasn't always like this. He wasn't always this desperate to be  by Tanjiro's side. But, something about today was different. Something inside Giyuu was screaming for him to stay by Tanjiro. Maybe it was because of the amount of people that were in a single place, or because of the sad feelings that he found that were hiding inside of Tanjiro. Still, he had to find Tanjiro. There was an aery feeling going up and down Giyuu's spine. Something was going to happen today, and it was obviously affecting Tanjiro. Something that was making him feel lonely. Either way, Giyuu had to find Tanjiro before whatever was going to happen happened. 

He pushed and pulled people out of his way. Telling people to move out of the way. He frantically looked everywhere. Asking people if any of them had seen the red head he was looking for. In the end, Shinazugawa had spotted the guy.
"Your love bird went outside. He wasn't looking to good though."
"Thanks," Giyuu said, rushing towards the exit of the venue. 

Shinazugawa watched this and felt a little sad for the unmended couple. He felt a little bitter when thinking about them. After all, today was the last day they could see each other. It was the last time they would be able to talk to each other. Any feeling they had--if not said today--would never be heard, and those two were the type to not voice their feelings. And, since they didn't even know this was the end, they were going to be left with a load of unsettled feelings. Honestly, Shinazugawa wanted to grab Giyuu and keep him in the venue so that those feelings wouldn't end in an even more painful way. Though, would that even matter? Everything was ending anyway. Shinazugawa found it better to let those two do what they wanted. Although, something was off with Tanjiro.

When Giyuu made it outside, it took him a few more minutes to find where Tanjiro went. But, when he found him, Tanjiro wasn't alone. The Master was there with him. The two of them were walking together and it was clear that something had happened. There seemed to be a tear stain on the Master's clothes, and Tanjiro's eyes were red and puffy. It was clear that Tanjiro was in a vulnerable state that Giyuu couldn't help him with. It stung a bit, knowing that was true. And, it caused Giyuu to back off. 

"Wouldn't it be better if you told him about it? It's better to spend the remaining time with them in nice, unregrettable conditions."
Tanjiro's energy was low because of the fit he had earlier, and couldn't be as energic as he always was. His voice was quiet and tired, "But, I don't understand how I can reciprocate feelings like that."
"But you're thinking about it this deeply," Ubuyashiki said, "That means that it hold a firm place in your heart."
Tanjiro couldn't say anything. He knew that Ubuyashiki was right. There wouldn't be anything wrong with going with what his thoughts were telling him. He should top overthinking everything. After all, it didn't matter anymore anyway. Other thinking was just a time waster when they didn't have much time left. 

"Maybe, you should say something to him now," Ubuyashiki said, giving Tanjiro a slight push on the back. Tanjiro looked back, confused, "...Huh?"
Looking back, Ubuyashiki was smiling gently at Tanjiro. And when he looked forward, he saw a dejected Giyuu standing there.

Tanjiro wanted to take a step back, but he couldn't, remembering how he was pushed forward by Ubuyashiki, who was right behind him. He had to face this. However--though he held knowledge beyond the world, he didn't know how to deal with the current situation. Ubuyashiki gave him yet another small push forward.
"Go on," he said, "You don't have time to waste."
Tanjiro took a few steps, voluntarily, until he was standing right. 

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