Chapter 8: Dreams Can't Last Forever

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A spiritual core. The core the lies outside the place dreams take action. That place is called their unconsciousness. Destroy a person's spiritual core and their body becomes immobile. To get to the core you have to go through the dream, so the other passengers connected themselves to the slayer's dreams using the rope. Tie one end to their wrist and the other to the subject's.

Usual while dreaming the consciousness disconnects from the body, but there are some unusual circumstances. Some people can move during their dreams.

A two braided black haired girl entered the dream of Rengoku. She had found the wall between the dream and unconsciousness. With the small knife she entered the dream with and cut through the make shift bamboo wall. The wall split into two like paper and revealed a land filled with flame.

The heat was burning the girl's pale skin as she walked through. The place she was n was in someone's mind, but she could still feel the heat. The heat was manifested by Rengoku's consciousness, so it could effect other consciousness if the person's consciousness was weaker than his own.

After some walking, she found a red spiritual core that belonged to Rengoku. It looked brittle, easily to destroy. It was like a red glass ball made from multiple pieces of broken glass.
The girl raised the small knife in her hand, ready to break the ball. Just as the girl's knife was going to make contact with the red glass ball, she started suffocating.

In the physical world, Rengoku had gotten his hand around the girl's sleeping neck. She started panicking. The warning the demon gave her was not to give off any bloodlust, but she hadn't. Yet, Rengoku still moved. How was something like this possible?
It was instinct. Rengoku's instinct flashed when realizing the girl was going to attack his spiritual core. If his core was broken he would be immobile...
He wouldn't be able to fight, and that was something Rengoku couldn't lose. It was a stalemate. The girl couldn't move in the unconsciousness and Rengoku had no reason to kill her in the physical world.

"Tanjiro can you prepare the bath? This might take some time."
"I got it. I'll do it now."
Tanjiro walked out of the small house. He planned on walking straight to the water bucket, but something in the forest caught Tanjiro's attention. It was a brown wooden box that had a door taking up the front side. It had back straps connected to the back to the box. It seemed familiar, but Tanjiro couldn't point out from where. His attention was moved away from the box when his foot hit the water buckets.

Throughout his whole walk through the forest, Tanjiro didn't see the box again, but when he looked down into the lake water. It showed his reflection, but something was different. He was wearing a black button up uniform with his checkered haori. It looked like he was hitting the water like it was unbreakable glass. Tanjiro plunged the bucket into the water to get rid of the reflection. With the water splashing up to Tanjiro's wrist, the reflection took the chance to pull Tanjiro onto the water.
"Get up! They're attacking! A dream! This is a dream!"

A pale, brown haired middle aged man was the one to enter Giyuu's dream. The wall between the dream and unconsciousness was difficult to find. It was hard to find because the whole dream was set on a house, so the man couldn't see past anything unless he opened a door. He just decided that since there were no door on the left side of the hallway, that was that was the wall. So, the pale man sliced the left hallway wall.

Water. Water. Water.
It was the only thing the man could see. To his right was water. To his left was water. In front of him was water. The man wondered if there was a ground to walk on, seeing as the water covered everything. The ceiling was floating water that occasionally dropped into the water bellow.

He was hesitant, but the man took a step into the land filled with water. It seemed that there was a platform under all the water. His feet made contact with the platform as he walked and search for the Water Hashira's spiritual core.

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