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Looking down, he could see all of them. They all look so happy. Surprisingly, all of them looked the same was in the previous life, but their personalities were different. Still, he could still name and point out every single one of them. He was happy to see all of them smiling without anything threatening them. Without worrying about what would happen next. 

Like always, his eyes were caught by blue hair that were, in this life, short from beginning to end. On the face of the blue haired person, was a big smile that would've never been there in the first life. It was nice to see. A small smile formed on his face. It was great to see this. Though, he felt a bit lonely. It was still nice. 

Sometimes, he wanted to reach down and show them that he was still there, but it wouldn't matter. They wouldn't even remember his existence anyway. Still, he wanted to show them that he was there. He wanted them to acknowledge him.

It was a selfish wish. One that would never happen. He would never be able to stand next to them again. He would never be able to smile and talk with them again. Though, he does break the rules once in a while. Sometimes, he finds a way to visit them. Though, they never remember his visits. It was fine though, as long as he got to see them and talk with them. Although, there were times where their intuition was strong enough vaguely remember his visit. Sometimes, they even looked up when he was spying on them a little. It was impressive how good their sixth sense was. Especially the one with blue hair, he always looked up and he would always smile. A gentle and caring smile. A smile that never failed to make him feel a bit more lonely.

"This really is the last time. It was fun looking over you," he said, reaching out and slightly patting the blue hair. He smiled feeling how soft it was. Then, he faded away. His time really was up this time. As destined, he was going to disappear into the void of darkness.

"Is something wrong?"
He smiled, touching his head, where he felt the faint touch of another's hand, "No. Everything's fine."
Though, sometimes, he could feel a hole in his heart. One that never shrunk. The one watching him. Yes, he could feel the gentle gaze that always looked over him. It was a gaze he loved. One he never found bothersome or creepy. A gaze that he never wanted to leave his figure. He never wanted those eyes--eyes that he could never see--to be on anyone else besides him. He wondered what that feeling was.

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