Chapter 12: The River Has...Stopped...?

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The ground rumbled and the eyes of the slayers were on the point of impact. Something strong, and formidable, had just landed, and has the feeling that it wasn't here for a peaceful talk.

The smoke cleared, uncovering another demon. It was a male, with pink hair, blue tattoos covering his body, white pants that had turquoise and red ornaments hanging from the waist, a red and white open crop jacket that had bold black lines on the back, and the demon's eyes were yellow. Though, unlike the first, it was not as easy to handle. It was stronger than the dream demon Enmu. The thing implementing that was, not only, the landing, but the carved symbol in it's eyes saying, upper moon three. In that moment, the same question went through the three demon slayers heads,
Why is he here now? Upper moon demon three?

It didn't take long for the pink haired demon to attack. He went after the two on the ground. He was fast and got right into Giyuu's face, but he wasn't able to injure them. Rengoku, who was standing beside him, cut the demon's arm in two before he could even touch them using the second style/form of the breath of fire, ascending blazing sky/rising scorching sun. With that, the demon flipped back allowing the two Hashira to have a short conversation.
"Want help?"
"I never thought I'd hear you say something like that Tomioka!"
Giyuu's eyes narrowed. It was either because of disgust or displeasure. It was probably both.
"Do you want help or not?"
"You can just watched over the boy!"
And with that, Rengoku gave his complete attention to the demon in front of him. Giyuu's attention didn't go back to Tanjiro immediately. In fact, he stared at Rengoku's back for a short while.
This is why he died....

Blow after blow. Rengoku's body was taking the full brunt of exhaustion and the multiple moves. Yet, he still managed to keep up with the demon who was still smiling without a single sweat drop on his face. The constant questions on why he wouldn't become a demon. The meaningful answers.

This battle made Giyuu think. Rengoku had always been a man of principles. He had intense passion that, really was, like a flame. He was stubborn but still changes his mind when he was proven wrong. He was positive in the worst of situations, always thinking about his comrades. Rengoku Kyojuro was a good and reliable guy.
Well, he still is.
Giyuu blinked a few times, pushing his thoughts away, and allowed his vision to focus on Tanjiro, who's head was laying on his lap.
"Why don't you help Rengoku-san?"
That was his plan. Helping Rengoku, he was going to do that. That was the whole reason he asked if Rengoku wanted help. Giyuu had made a change of plans though. Since Tanjiro asked, he decided to help Rengoku without getting word from him that he needed help.
Giyuu carefully lifted Tanjiro's had and placed his full body on the cold ground.
"Don't move."
Giyuu walked away unsheathing his blue sword.

The demon was in the in the air getting read to unleash his Destructive Skill: Void Style. Rengoku was getting his form/style ready when Giyuu stepped in and used the third Breath of Water, Flowing Dance to block neutralize the attack. Rengoku looked at Giyuu's back with surprise.
"I told you not to die."
Soon, his lips formed a large smile.
The Hashira's full attention turned to the demon who's smile was wide.
"You're strong too! Would you like to take the amazing offer of becoming a demon?"
Giyuu's face went completely blank,

Attack after attack. The two Pillars had realized this at the beginning of the fight. They were not at the strength where they could defeat this demon. That's why their objective was not to defeat the demon, but to stall him until the sun started coming up. They were just protecting the passengers and their comrades. They were just stalling for time.

At some point during the battle, Inosuke had regained consciousness and was standing beside Tanjiro watching the battle. It was hard to follow them with their eyes, but they could sort of make up the battle movements. They could see the blades after images and drips of blood falling to the ground. The thing they could pickup the most was the voice of the demon. Taunting Rengoku to become a demon so the Breath of Fire was not forgotten. The Fire Hashira kept refusing. Sure, his family's style was going to be forgotten when he died, but that's okay. His brother wouldn't be burdened with learning the breath even though he can't. The reason Senjurou couldn't learn was because when he held a nichirin blade, the sword wouldn't change color.

The battle came to a short stop. The two weaker slayers saw the condition of the three fighters. The demon was still smiling with not a sweat drop on his face, and the two Hashira were sweating and covering in injuries. Thankfully, none of them were life threatening.

As the demon kept rambling on about how they should become demons, and how much of a waste it would be if their skills just faded to history, Giyuu took the chance to sneak a glance at Tanjiro. For some reason, the worried look on Tanjiro's face made something warm bubble up from Giyuu's heart. He knew that the look wasn't just directed at him, but knowing that Tanjiro was worrying about him was enough. It was enough to give Giyuu a reason to get out of the battle alive.

The battle resumed, but it was impossible to see. Dust covered the battlefield shielding the fighters. Then, the dust started settling.

It was reflex. Pushing him out of the way. Wait, he said that he was going to live and save Tanjiro this time, right...?
That was the plan. Save as many people as possible and confess. That's what he wanted to do.
There was something in his chest. Was this going to make his dream, actual dreams? That was something Giyuu didn't want. He wanted Tanjiro to be safe this time. Live a life spilled with smiles. A life where there's was nothing life threatening to worry about. He wanted to create that type of life for his crush. His one sided crush. Unfortunately....
It was Tanjiro's voice. Where was he? He seemed so far away, but Tanjiro should only be a few feet away from him. If that's true, why did he sound meters away.

Out of his control, Giyuu's body slammed into the cold ground. It felt like there was a hole in his chest. It seemed that warmth was escaping through this hole. He wanted to see Tanjiro's face, feel the warmth of his hands. He wanted to see Tanjiro's bright smile but...
Where was Tanjiro?

Giyuu struggled to put his hand in the air,
His voice was quiet and small. His voice was fading, but that wasn't the only thing. Giyuu's hearing was fading, his eyes were heavy, his body was weakening.
It's cold...
Suddenly, the world turned black in the eyes of Tomioka Giyuu as his body was being dyed a crimson red.

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