Chapter 3: A Dream?

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Giyuu was staring at the bedding that was once used by Tanjiro. For Giyuu, it was comforting to be in a room filled with Tanjiro's things, but at the same time, it was painful. Although he looked around the room multiple times, he looked around one last time before sleeping. The black and green checkered haori he wore folded and placed on top of the drawer. The warn out demon slaying uniform folded and place right next to it. The black nichirin blade that was used to slay demons, but is now laying against the drawer waiting to rust. Everything that he used was perfectly arranged as if it was a museum.

It was comfortable. Laying in the bedding that he used. It made Giyuu feel like Tanjiro was still there, but as soon as he thought that, he remembered that Tanjiro wasn't alive anymore. Giyuu cleared his head. He decided not to think of things that would bring him grief, but just be grateful that he could be surrounded by Tanjiro's belongings.

Giyuu opened his eyes to a very familiar setting. He was wearing his demon slaying uniform with his ,mismatched, patterned and red haori while holding his blue nichirin blade. The unusual bright light of the moon shining on the grassy plain he was standing in. His hair flowing right due to the light wind. In front of Giyuu was a demon. Oh, this must be a dream about the past, he thought.

Giyuu stood there waiting for the past battle to start. The demon began attacking and Giyuu stood still. Before the attack hit, Giyuu's body flinched back. That was unusual, he thought to himself. It feels like this is reality. The demon continued throwing punches and kicks. Giyuu felt like it was his own reflects dodging the attacks. His body was maintained. His steps were light. Giyuu felt like this was reality. He felt like this wasn't a dream.
"You think you're all high and mighty just because you kill demons."
He could hear what the demon was saying. The voice wasn't muffled out. Giyuu took a better look at the demon and realized that he could see the demons face clearly. It wasn't blurred out.
Is this really a dream?
That thought passed through Giyuu's head. Of course, it's impossible to go back in time to when the demons were still alive. Or was it? Maybe Giyuu was over thinking things, but he had to know.
Was the situation he was in now, dream or reality?
Giyuu started started lifting his right arm. His arm didn't move because that was what happened in Giyuu's memories, but because Giyuu thought of moving it himself. That's not enough proof, he thought. Giyuu changed his stance to one he remembered. The stance needed to execute the first water breathing form, water surface slash. It was clumsy, but Giyuu stoped dodging the demons attacks and swung his sword. His sword cutting the demons neck in one move. Everything felt all too real for this to be a dream. Could it really be possible that Giyuu was sent back in time? Wait, Giyuu thought to himself. Let's not jump to conclusions. After that thought, he heard the sound of a crow calling out to him.
"Caw, you are being called back to the mansion. Giyuu Tomioka you are being called back to the Master's mansion."
He's being called back to the Master's mansion?
"Hurry! Don't keep the Master waiting!"
Didn't the Master die, Giyuu thought.
"Caw, Hurry! Hurry!"
Let's just go along with this and see what happens, Giyuu thought. Giyuu sheathed his sword and starting running after the crow guiding him to Master's mansion.

Multiple thoughts ran through Giyuu's head as he stood in front of the room the belong to the person who had the most authority in the Demon Corps, Master. Thoughts such as, is this really a dream, everything feels so real, have a begun to hallucinate, have I died in my sleep, and will I be able to see everyone again.
"Are you going to keep standing out there Giyuu?"
The Master's voice. The gentle voice that Giyuu had forgotten. Giyuu reached for the handle of the door but hesitated. He was about to see someone who had died using himself as bait. The man who was like a father to Giyuu.
If only this was real. No, don't get your hopes up. Even if this not a dream, the person behind this door might not be Master.
Giyuu grabbed the handle to the door,
"Please excuse me."
He slid the door open and his eyes widen. It was him. The familiar smile that was soft and gentle. The smile that never faltered even though he knew his life could be taken at any time. The eyes that didn't show their original color proving that they couldn't see anything they could once see. The perfectly laid black hair that stopped after his neck. The purple on his face the signified that he was ill. This was the Master that Giyuu remembered so well. His calming voice and gentle features. The man who called his underlings his children. There was no doubt. This was the man named Ubuyashiki Kagaya.
"Have a seat Giyuu."
Giyuu sat down on the sitting pillow placed in front to the Master. Giyuu's own features softened at he continued to look at the face of a person he missed. The person who used his own life to give humans an advantage.
"It's nice to see you on this fine day, Oyakata-Sama."

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