Chapter 42: "You are..."

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A room that was only lit by the blue light of the multiple screens shinning in the faces of anyone who walked through the door. There were no windows nor any other sources of light. The room was just a place where the living's eyes would deteriorate in the matter of days. However, this room didn't reside in the world which the living could survive, and it is not a place the master's could reach. This room was reserved for one person. Just that one person and the guest they want to bring in. A place that they made for a single purpose. That purpose being to trap the servants who have yet to complete their contact with their masters. To trap, chain, and torture. There was no physical harm. Actually, the captive would be taken care of quite well. The only thing physically damaging would be the chains around their limbs. There was the use of mental torture. That was what the screens were for. The screens for the captive to view the lives of the people they left behind.

They watch everything that happens. From a new seed falling to the ground, to the little sprout turning into a strong tree. They watched the struggles, the happiness, the grief, all of the emotions that their loved ones went through. The captives watched it all in front row seats. It was like they were at a movie theater and had front row seats to their friends miserable lives. As they loss, fought, and did nothing more than to make a fool out of themselves. It made the captives irritated. It made them want to give everything up and tell the person everything. It made the captive want to tell the person where the entrance to the upper heavens was. To tell them where the master's resided. That was what the room was intend for. However, against certain people, it was useless. Those people were just too kind. They were kind to the point of being a saint. They couldn't leave anyone behind, they would never go against their morals, and they would never dream about breaking someone's trust. If they were asked to keep a secret, they would keep their mouths shut even beyond the grave. Such a person was trapped in the room now.

"And they failed again! Man, how many times is this?"
"Servants really do remember everything! I bet you haven't forgotten how to get to your master!"
There was no response after that. He just calmly stared as little round spheres started manifesting in front of him.
"Remember, you have to stay quiet for this part."
Just for that, the kind soul found his mouth then covered by a piece of cloth while his captor chatted away.
"And you're back here already. It quite a show watching you all fight, cry, being emotional and all that. I see that one of you has, in your terms, died, and the other is perfectly fine. Say-"
Shut the fuck up!!!
Give Mitsuri back to me...!
"Impossible, I must say, to both of the requests. Shutting my mouth won't help you, and your lady ended up like that because she was weak. Blame yourself for not training hard enough."
"Tanjiro? Oh that poor soul is dead."
You could just hear the smirk from their voice.

The kind soul, chained and gaged, wanted to scream. They wanted to yell until his vocal cords broke. They wanted to yell at them to stop. They wanted it all to stop. The pain falling onto their loved ones, they wanted it all to stop. Even if it meant they were going to be stuck...No, that couldn't happen. All of the options would just lead to their suffering. Their choice was their master and their loved ones. The choice was impossible to make, but everything had to stop. Someone had to stop it. They HAD to stop it all...before their friends break one after another. They had no other choice. There had to be something, anything.

Dead...? No...
Out of the crowd of the spheres there was one that was shaking. Not only that, but you could hear the pain in the voice.
"But you can save him."

Again. Why again? Always. He would always do this. No matter what, he would always throw everything away to save him.
He never...NEVER...thought about himself. Never thought about the people around him. Never thought about how his actions would effect others. Never thought of anything but HIM! He was a dumb, stupid, and troublesome man that had a one track mind. He focused on nothing but his loyalty to the one person. That one kind soul. That was all he thought about, and it only got him in trouble. Him and the people around him, but he continued doing whatever he wanted. That dumb man named Tomioka Giyuu. He thought of nothing but keeping a smile on his face.

Please stop this. Please stop hurting them...!

"All you have to do is say yes."

Stop it please! Anything! After my serving time is up, I will do anything!

"It's a simple matter. You can see him again."

No. No! No!! No!!! NO!

"I promise. You can see him, and spend as much time with him as you want."
You promise...?

Not again...please...

"Of course!"

...just leave them alone...

Then...yes. I want to see him.
"Perfect choice!"

"You bastard...!"
Tears. Hot tear ran down the captives face. They could no longer deal with watching their friends died over and over and over and OVER! They couldn't watch as they killed themselves from the inside out—how all of them just did nothing but suffer. They hated it. Watching, doing nothing! They hated it all! ...but they could never think about breaking a promise they made. Never.
"Oh my, Tanjiro, that language does not fit your character..."
The captive, Tanjiro, pulled at the chains and looked at the captor with eyes full of hatred. Eyes that showed no empathy or sympathy. Eyes that wanted nothing but the person in front of them dead.
"I will tell you what you want to know about most!"
The captor become curious,
"I told you that I want to know how to get to the upper heavens."
"No. That's not what you want. That is not your true goal. You want what you think it in the heavens."
The captor's brows furrowed,
"The hell?"
Tanjiro didn't smile, nor did the hate in his eyes soften, but the tears did stop. The tears left stained cheeks and a cold voice.
"After all, I know who you are. It was dumb of me to not realize sooner."
He lifted their arm up and pointed at his captor,
"The one who was locked away and had his power controlled forcibly. You are the man who is called 'Fallen,' the master that could not let go of his servant."

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