Chapter 26: Worry Overrides Knowledge

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Now that Shinazugawa had joined the fight, the other two slayers had an easier time. The burden was no longer placed on the two tired slayers. That increased the chance of all of the slayers on the mission surviving. All they had to do was stall, and keep Rengoku on what was in front of him then what had just happened.

Even now, with three Hashira, it was difficult to hold off the demon. Mostly because Giyuu started backing away from the fight little by little. Shinazugawa noticed this and would push Giyuu towards the demon when he got to far away. Giyuu would always look at him with spite when he did that. Rengoku noticed their relaxed behavior when fighting an upper moon. That made his list of questions longer.

Tanjiro watched the battle in awe. Sure, it was three against one but everything they were doing was amazing. The two tired Hashira and the one that seemed to have hid somewhere in the train. I mean there was some sort of plant on his clothing meaning he was hiding somewhere. Probably, in the supply part of the train was where he hid. Tanjiro wanted to be of use to them rather than laying there like a helpless sheep, but Giyuu had told him to stay still until the fight was over. Tanjiro also noticed that the Hashira he didn't know took a few glances at him during the fight with a confused face. Tanjiro didn't understand why, but he wasn't going to question it.

Soon, the sun started peeking it's head out from it's 12 hour slumber. The demon, as well as the slayers knew that this was the end of the fight.
"I hate to say this dear slayers, but the sun rises making my time with you come to an end. The beautiful slashes have healed, though I wish they had not. Do not worry, I will see you again and await for your acceptance to demon-hood."
To the kind words and semi-poetry Shinazugawa answered,
"Just leave you fucker!"
"I will miss you all the same."
Akaza jumped into the trees and disappeared from the slayers sights. Shinazugawa looked to Giyuu who had jumped to Tanjiro just as fast as the demon disappeared.
"Are you feeling better?"
Shinazugawa stomped towards Giyuu and grabbed the back of his haori. Tanjiro looked over Giyuu's shoulder making eye contact with Shinazugawa. A small, unkind smile spread on Shinazugawa's face as he looked at Tanjiro. The younger shivered alerting Giyuu and then he finally turned around to face the Hashira grabbing onto him.
Shinazugawa got rid of the cold smile on his face and replaced it with a straight face.
"Are you forgetting the other problem we have?"
Giyuu made a small "O" shape with his mouth then turned back around,
"You can deal with that."
Hearing that made Shinazugawa angry and he was ready to start yelling at Giyuu when he felt a hand on his own shoulder. He turned around and it was Rengoku with his regular smile that seemed to have a bit of darkness behind it.

Zenitsu had only been in the demon slaying business for a few months, but he wasn't expecting to see this right after he woke up.
"Explain to me EVERYTHING you guys planned out!"
It was the same time of voice he always uses, but there seemed to be more pressure behind it. Plus the emphasis on "everything," made the words a little more...terrifying? Either way, those words made the other two Hashira get on their knees in front of him. Never in Zenitsu's 16 years of life did he think that he would see a scene like this one.

Giyuu and Shinazugawa did talk about this situation, but they never included it into the plan. They never really discussed whether to tell Rengoku the truth or make up a believable lie. Both options were going to be difficult. If they told Rengoku the truth he might call them liars and not trust them anymore. Losing Rengoku's trust would be crushing to the plan they had made. Then again, telling him a lie wouldn't be any better. The two of them would have to be directly on the same page, which never happens, to be able to pull off a believable lie. That wasn't the worst part. Coming up with the lie that fit both of their personalities. It would be a little easier since Giyuu was now an unknown in Rengoku's eyes, but they didn't know what lie would fit Shinazugawa's personality.

Shinazugawa knew this and thought,
We've got two options and they're both shit.
What he was hoping for now was yet another way to stall for time. He was wishing for something, anything, except a demon, to cause a serious distraction. It had to make Renogku pause for right now and temporarily forget about what happened. Like one of the passengers yelling help or one of the younger slayers making a dying cough, either or is fine.
Come on, just one little distraction.
As if answering Shinazugawa's call, the was a loud cough that drew everyone's attention. There was one, then two, three, four, five, and finally a small thud to the ground. Shinazugawa did feel bad for what had happened, but he was grateful for the little distraction. Although, now there was yet another problem.

"Stop roaming around like a lost puppy and listen to me properly!"
The next problem he had to deal with was Giyuu temperament. The only who had thudded to the floor was Tanjiro, and Giyuu was filled to the brim with worry. So much worry that the words coming out of Shinazugawa's mouth didn't even enter his ears.
"Listen to me you fucking dumbass! HE SURVIVED THE FIRST TIME SO HE'LL SURVIVE AGAIN! Besides, this whole situation basically revolves around him."
Shinazugawa was right. From what Giyuu told him, Tanjiro's own situation doesn't change unless they interfere. The change in dimension, the amount of people revived, the different situations of the people around him, nothing could change what was going to happen to Tanjiro unless they stepped in. He will always be involved in every mission as the first, his whole family besides Nezuko will be dead, he will always be the first to awaken the Demon Slayer mark, and he will always be the one to take in Muzan during the final battle. That is only if none of the revived people messed with the original flow of time. Tanjiro survived getting stabbed the first time, so he will survive again. Giyuu understood; he knew all of it. He was the person that told Shinazugawa and the one who heard it from the 'thing' multiple times. That knowledge didn't lessen his worry. His beloved was stabbed and collapsed to the ground. Anyone would be worried if that happened, even if they knew that everything was going to be fine.

Giyuu's ears only perked up when he heard one thing that was yelled throughout the Butterfly Mansion.
That was yelled by the voice that usually cried. It was yelled as if he had known that there was a lost puppy wandering outside the door of Butterfly Mansion. Giyuu didn't even bother knocking on the door. He just walked right in.

Taking turn after turn. Going down hallway after hallway. Giyuu peaked his head into every room until he found the one sheltering the slayer with a human inflicted stab wound. Giyuu rushed in without noticing that there was another person in the room. The blond haired kid that had yelled so loud that it could be heard from the outside. Zenitsu got out of the way as soon as he heard Giyuu's foot steps coming down the hallway and made sure to exit the room as soon as Giyuu entered.

Tanjiro knew that Giyuu was coming and he already knew what he was feelings. The worry and pain flowing out of Giyuu was immense, and Tanjiro was overwelled by it when Giyuu's large arms wrapped around him. Tanjiro didn't understand why Giyuu had done that, but he felt as though it was only right to return the hug. Tanjiro could feel Giyuu nuzzle into the crook of his neck like a dog wanting to smell his mate's full sent. Tanjiro was surprised, but he still let Giyuu hug him as he wanted. That didn't stop him from wanting to ask the older some questions.
"Giyuu-san, what's wrong?"
Giyuu nuzzled in closer than Tanjiro thought was possible, but against all common reflexes, he wasn't uncomfortable with it. To Tanjiro's question, Giyuu answered,
"I was scared that you would leave me here again."

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