Chapter 24: Initiate Survival Plan: Train Edition

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All of the on job demon slayers were sitting on the train, only taking up four seats.
"Tanjiro come here for a second."
Zentisu grabbed Tanjiro by the arm and pulled him to the next seat over. The reason being to talk, more like question, about the things he was curious about.
Tanjiro was confused, but being the kind friend he was, Tanjiro went along with Zentisu without asking any questions.

"You needed to talk about something, Zenitsu?"
At the next seat over, Zenitsu had his serious face on while Tanjiro looked at him with a nervous face. This was the first time, excluding the multiple marriage proposals, that the blonde was actually serious about something. Zenitsu put his hands square on Tanjiro's shoulders,
"What's your relationship with that water guy?"
Tanjiro looked confused. It wasn't because of Zenitsu's serious, but because of the question. Four people had already asked him the same question. Zenitsu being the fourth. Tanjiro had responded the way he responded to the others.
"Giyuu-san is someone I greatly respect and admire."
Zentisu was surprised that Tanjiro was already calling the guy by his first name. It made Zenitsu step back, but he knew his friend well enough that he knew that Tanjiro wasn't lying. He also knew that Tanjiro was insanely thick headed. It seemed that Tanjiro could smell emotions, but couldn't identify certain ones.

The blonde wanted to question Tanjiro a little more, but he could already feel the death stare pointed at him by the same man he was asking Tanjiro about.
"Let's go back to our seats."

Giyuu was making his feelings extremely obvious, and Tanjiro was putting it under the friendship column. Zenitsu had no idea how Tanjiro could be so thick headed but he was. Zenitsu was pushing his food back into his stomach over and over while watching Giyuu's open affection. He was insanely obvious, and Tanjiro was insanely dense.

Giyuu did things as making constant conversation with Tanjiro, smiling, moving closer, and putting his head on Tanjiro's shoulder. What Giyuu was doing was flirting using body language, and it was making Zenitsu food leave his stomach.

Rengoku was confused and astonished. The Tomioka Giyuu he knew was never talkative, so Rengoku could never imagine him willingly making physical contact with someone. At one point, Rengoku wondered if Giyuu was brainwashed, being controlled or if that was him in the first place. What was even more surprising was that Tanjiro didn't seem uncomfortable with any of it. Rengoku wondered if Tanjiro was incredibly thick headed or completely fine with it. Either way, the whole scene in front of him was something, he though, was out of the world.

After holding back Inosuke and getting the tickets stamped, the five slayers sat on their seats. The other let everything play out as it did before. The demon that was used as a distraction appeared and was slayed by Rengoku. The four fell asleep, and the passengers entered their dreams. There was something different though. It was the dream Giyuu had. The dreams showed on that train were ones that showed what the person really wanted. Having a different dream, meant that Giyuu's most desired thing had changed.

Before, Giyuu, Tanjiro, Tsutako, and Sabito were the only ones sitting around the table. Actually, there was no table at all. There wasn't even a house. Giyuu's dream was one of an outside party, and everyone he knew was there. The Hashira, Tanjiro, Inosuke, Zenitsu, Nezuko, Ubuyashiki and his family, Urokodaki, Sabito, Tsutako, Yushiro, Tamayo, and many more. Not all of them were in perfect health. Some were missing limbs or wrapped in bandages, but they all had smiles on their faces. Watching this made Giyuu fully realized that he wished for more than living a happy life with Tanjiro. He wished for everyone he met, everyone he cherished to be able to live life with a smile on their face. What Giyuu wished for was something he couldn't do himself, and he understood that.

They broke out trance and started fighting the the lower one demon. The finishing blow was Tanjiro's and Inosuke's combo attack. Tanjiro got stabbed my the conductors yet again and fell out of the train. He was taught how to stopped a wound from bleeding and Rengoku got to see another worldly sight. Then the fight between the two Hashira and the upper demon, Akaza. That was when the real plan started. The plan to stall for time while letting no one die. They called it Survival Plan: Train Edition.

The two slayers and demon exchanged bow after blow. Of course, Akaza didn't change and kept asking them if they wanted to become demons. They kept declining. Rengoku was smiling and Giyuu was getting annoyed, both of them were exhausted. The powerful attack that managed to kill two Hashira. Not simultaneously, but still, it was powerful. Giyuu backed away knowing that he was to exhausted to block something that strong, but Renogku went head first into it. Before the attack was released, Giyuu pulled Rengoku out of the way and being to surprised Renogku didn't fight back. Akaza saw this and started aiming towards them, but the one who stopped the attack wasn't the Water or Flame Hashira. The one who cut Akaza's arm was the slayer stowaway. The man who hid himself between cars, Shinazugawa Sanemi, the Wind Hashira.

Renogku was surprised that Shinazugawa had showed up out of nowhere. He thought that the Wind Hashira was on another mission.
Rengoku looked to Giyuu who was completely unfazed by the situation. That was normal, but Rengoku thought that there was going to be some kind of reaction. There was no such thing. Instead Giyuu walked back,
"Your turn."
Rengoku looked between the two in surprise.
"You two planned..."
Akaza looked at his arm that was cut off and back to the place where it was cut. He looked at Shinazugawa with a bright face,
"What's your name?"
Shinazugawa looked at him stupidly,
"Why do you need to know, you god damed demon."

Shinazugawa took reign of the fight while the other two stepped back. Rengoku looked at Giyuu to question him, and Giyuu answered before words came out of his mouth.
"I told him to come, and it's not because you're weak. It's because it was necessary."

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