Author's Note

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What an unexpected ending, am I right? Well, I thought it was. Truthfully, I thought it was going to be another year before I finished this book. Don't tell anyone, but I, personally, think the ending as a bit rushed. Yet, here we are. At another Author's Note that is going to be the last. Truthfully, I thought this was going to take FOREVER to finish. In any case, it did. That's besides the point. Today--it really doesn't matter what day it actually is--is the day that you understand the plot of this story. Yes, today, you shall finally--if you don't already--understand the plot of this story. 

Let's get on with this shall we? Chapter by chapter. Just kidding that would take up too much time. We'll go by checkpoint to checkpoint. Spoiler warning if you decided to skip a few chapters. Also, you don't want to know, just skip this part.

Alright, let's start from the prologue. The first part of a book you should read for background information which, unfortunately, some people tend to skip. Not hating or anything, I tend to skip those parts too. More importantly, what does the prologue mean? A simple question with a simple answer. It shows just how vulnerable Giyuu had become, creating the perfect situation in which he was prone to easy manipulation.

Bringing us to 'Chapter 3: A Dream?' The day when Giyuu woke up after his first turn a.k.a the first time he regressed. Which is really the only important part until 'Chapter 13: God or Demon? It Doesn't Matter.' The chapter right after he dies for the first time. Why is that important? Well, the main character of the story just died, obvious plot protection has to step in. So...oh my. What do we have here? Giyuu's first meeting with our antagonist. Which reveals that souls are in a circular shape. Isn't that crazy? Okay, I'll get to point. Giyuu gets in third chance at life. Or, more importantly, the chapter in which Giyuu sealed the deal. He allows himself and his fellow living beings to be dragged along with the antagonist's whims.

Then, a few chapter's after, 'Chapter 17...' or reference, Shinazugawa was shown that he had also regressed along with Giyuu, proving that other people can get pulled into turns and regressions. 

The next checkpoint isn't until a few chapters later. 'Chapter 35: 1,358' a severe time skip. And the place where majority of the readers got a bit confused. Basically, this is just a chapter signifying that there was a huge time skip where multiple regressions happed and multiple people got pulled into the mess. 

The next two chapter's are also checkpoints. 'Chapter 36: From a Sun Breath User, 1,300 Turns Ago.' Real close time skip. Either way, it means that there was someone else watching the miserable situation Giyuu and the others were in, and they had good intentions. However, they were in the situation in which they couldn't reveal their name. It's not only that, it explains a big game changer. It makes the time limit for all of them known. Basically, the whole chapter is about explaining the consequences of regressing. Putting it simply, regressing too much causes someone to turn brain dead. Of course, it you want the full explanation make a visit to @Gijpac in the comment section of that chapter. Really, I have to thank you. You saved me a lot of explaining. I'm very grateful.

And in the next chapter, Giyuu--who'd gone through hundreds of regressions at this point--goes through the exact same thing that was explained in the previous chapter. Meaning, he has no memories, and it an empty shell. Not only that, it solidifies the love Giyuu has for Tanjiro.

Then, there's the next chapter which, again, shows that there is some existence that wants to help them out of their situation. It also reveals who said benefactor is. Well, very discreetly, it does. 

And in the next chapter, Mitsuri then goes through the same thing Giyuu did. Though, this time, he doesn't get the miracle Giyuu does. She becomes forever immobile. As do other people who aren't specified. 

Alright, we're getting closer to the end. 'Chapter 42...' which has the importance of Tanjiro--fragments of his soul anyway--were being held hostage by the antagonist, and shows the identity of the antagonist.

And this is where the story gets good. 'Chapter 44...' a chapter that tells a story within a story. Why is it important you ask? Because, it explains why the antagonist did what he did. Not only that, it explains the actions of Tanjiro and the antagonist. 

For example, in the next chapter, Tanjiro realizes that Giyuu's face was an exact copy of the antagonist when he wasn't covered in corrupted muck. Which wasn't possible for Tanjiro to see at any moment he was with the antagonist. Which then reveals two things. One: Tanjiro had seen the face of the antagonist before his fall, the corruption. And, two: Giyuu has an identical resemblance to our angaonist. Which means, that the two of them were connected somehow. Of course, the fact that they looked the same was subtle, so it was easy to miss. I think it was one or two sentences, at least. As, I said, easy to miss and forget.

Anyways, it gave way to the conclusion that the story of the former water god and the human referred to a past life of Giyuu and Tanjiro, which--in this case--was the conclusion I wished for readers to come to. Because, it then explains Tanjiro's unnatural break down.

That same chapter also reveals that the turns are going to end soon, leading to 'Chapter 48: Let it End in Content.' A chapter where there's a party for the end of the regression.

Then there's the final where every is released from the cycle of regression, and we're brought to a back plane where cheers are heard and, eventually, Giyuu forgets everything. Like everything, everything. 

Then there's the epilogue where Tanjiro is looking over Giyuu, who had a different name. Then, he vanished out of existence, and he becomes absorb into the god he served. Ans you find Giyuu still loving Tanjiro, though he can't see him. Of course, he couldn't put a name to the feelings.

And that's the entire plot of the story. Great isn't it. Spoiler warning over, and now it's time for reader appreciation. Seriously, doing this is way easier than summarizing a story, even if I wrote it.

Now then, for all of you that made it this far, I'm very grateful and appreciate your dedication to this story. Unfortunately, unlike before, I haven't been keeping track of people who've voted, commented, adds to the reading list, or whatever. I'll admit, I was getting lax on keeping track and it's my fault. However, that doesn't mean that I haven't seen all of your appreciation towards this story. 

For example, @IZZy_1821. You've been a pretty active commentor as of late. I've even had a conversation with you which is pretty cool. And, not to worry, I've already started on your little request. It's fun reading all of your comments. Also, I commend you for being able to read the same story for 17 hours.

And there's @YurihimeAsako and @CoolHaze who were the first to vote on the Epilogue. Yeah, I saw you two, and everyone else. Truthfully, I smile every time I see that someone has voted on this story. It warms my heart that someone finds this story interesting. 

There also @Gijpac. I haven't seen you on this story for a while, but I do know you're still active. I did see those three votes on the new story I published recently to stop a friend from complaining.

Of course there are more of you, and I'm insanely grateful for all of you. Even one digit change in the reads is a great thing for me. Honestly, I lost interest in this story before, and it's safe to say that I had no intention of continuing it. But, I'm glad I did. This feeling of satification of finishing a story I wrote is nice. And seeing the usernames of all of the people who enjoyed it are even more pleasurable. 

I'm glad that, even though this story is confusing and the plot is complicated, that people were still willing to bare with it and read it over and over to understand it. It's heart touching, and something I'll always appreciate. 

So, thank you for your support. And I hope to see your username again sometime. 

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