Chapter 32: Those Who Get Angry for Others have the Strongest Rage (1)

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Tanjiro was regaining his strength when pieces of a sash flew into Warabihime's skin and was absorbed. Tanjiro went to attack again, but she had disappeared from his sight.
"Yeah, a pillar huh. That person will be pleased!"
The demon had jumped onto the roof and looked different. Her hair had turned white and the tips a light green. Crack like scars started appeared over her body that soon disappeared, and her sent screamed danger.
"Hey, what are you doing there?!"
A man had suddenly left his shop and went onto the street. Tanjiro forgot about the citizens in the buildings because his fight with the demon took away all of his attention, but now that he could see the faces of multiple people peeking their heads out of the building windows he was worried for their safety.
"Don't go arguing in front of other people's stores!"
Warabihime had already becmobe annoyed with the sudden appearance of the other humans and the yelling coming from the man. Tanjiro felt the increasing killing intent and shouted at the man.
The man only looked at him with shock, but even if he had moved he wouldn't have been able to avoid the eye losing attack that cut the surrounding buildings in uneven pieces. Thankfully for the man, Tanjiro had his instincts yelling at him that an attack was coming. His self-sacrificing natural didn't allow him to run away, but shield the man from the attack causing his chest to have a deep slash wound. Tanjiro was in agony, but he kept standing. He hadn't been able to shield the man fully, so the man had lost a hand but Tanjiro seemed heroic in his eyes. Massive amounts of blood was flowing out of his wound and yet he stood standing. He didn't yell nor cry from the pain. Instead, he worried about the injured man behind him.
"Calm down,'ll be okay. Just...bind your arm with a cord."
Warabihime was about to die walked away when Tanjiro spoke.
" dare you do this."
It wasn't a question in which Tanjiro wanted an answer to but a statement. A hard, cold statement. Warabihime looked back in disgust and annoyance.
"Huh? You're still talking? I've had enough of your plain existence. The live of the grotesque humans has no value whatsoever. You can have fun rotting in hell."
Tanjiro looked up at her, angry. He was angry at everything. The injured people, the nasty words coming out of her mouth. His anger flowed through his veins making them pop, blood run out of his eyes, and a spotty mark growing on his face.
I will not back down because there are people who don't have human hearts in this world. They irrationally take life's and cause pain without regretting it. And that kind of violence, is something I will never allow!
Tanjiro's speed increased as he continued his pursuit to kill the demon. With his chest slashed open, his eyes crying blood, and bloodlust rising—he went after her cutting her leg off.
"Lives that have been lost will never come back. They won't ever return. Living, breathing creatures do not go the way of demons. Why do you take them? Why do trample of people's lives?"
Those words seemed so familiar to her. As if she had heard them before, but never in her lifetime had she heard a person speak those words to her. Even if they did, Warabihime wouldn't have remembered. And then, her vision had changed the scene in front of her. The little teen had been over lapped with a grown man with long red hair. A read mark covered half of his forehead and under his left eye. Behind him was fire and his pupils were white. The two things that was similar between the two was the hanafuda eating and the words coming out of their mouth.
"What is so fun about it? What's so enjoyable? What do you think lives are?"
The demon's vision kept flickering between the two people. The earrings and words staying the same.
"Why don't you know? How could you forget? You were probably human too, once. You must have struggled with pain and suffering and shed tears."
The demon had already figured out that the memory wasn't her own, but one that was imbedded into the cells that turned her demon. Still, she didn't care about anything coming out of Tanjiro's mouth.
"Just shut up. I don't remember anything about my past. I'm a demon now, so my past has nothing to do with anything. Demons don't age, we don't need money to eat, we don't fall sick, we don't die, we don't lose anything, and strong, beautiful demons can do anything!"
Tanjiro didn't care what was coming out of her mouth either. He just wanted to get this over with. He just wanted to get rid of the evil in the world.
Tanjiro dashed straight into the demon's blood technique, multilayered sash slash. Even though the demon had gotten stronger since her dispersed body came back, Tanjiro had still cut through her sash using dance of the sun god: burning sun. When the sash was cut, it was a struggle to regenerate it because of the burning sensation. Tanjiro had gotten quicker and his form sharper. He improved so much that he had managed to almost cut the Warabihime's neck, but he was pushed away. Tanjiro started his charge all over again. Warabihime sent multiple ends above one another, but Tanjiro stabbed all of the pieces of the sash.
"Is that supposed to stop me!? I'll send you flying!"
Tanjiro had already started running forward. He quickly pulled his sword up and cut the sash into multiple pieces. With Warabihime surprised, Tanjiro got close enough to cut her neck again, and all he had to do was swing faster than he had before.
He heard the voice of his dead younger sister in his head and took a deep breath causing him to realize that he had almost gone past the life limit. Tanjiro collapsed on the ground and started coughing. He found it difficult to breath. Every breath he tried to intake only made him cough several times. He couldn't get up and kneeled right in front of the demon without any protection. Tanjiro's sudden drop of power made the demon only look at him in disgust.
"Humans truly are a miserable existences. After all, no matter how desperate they get, they can only go so far. How sad."
Tanjiro's vision started going dark and his hearing started fading. He couldn't move anymore.
"As payback for before, I'll now cut your head off-"
Warabihime was cut off by the presence of another demon aiming for her head. The demon was Nezuko.

The massacre of people jolted Nezuko awake. The screams of the people reminded her of her family being killed. Since the demon in front of her had been an upper moon. She was first demon that Nezuko met that had a high concentration of Muzan. She reminded Nezuko of Muzan and the death of her family, it made her angry. So angry, that her veins started popping out of her skin. Nezuko grew and crack like scars started forming around her left eye. Her whole being showed her built up anger.

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