Chapter 47: "You're all I need."

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Tanjiro didn't get it. He didn't get it. He didn't understand. He didn't know why. Everything was confusing.

He was supposed to be calm, level headed. He was supposed to be ignorant of the whole situation. Of everything. Right now, he was anything but that. He was everything but calm and level headed. Everything but ignorant. Tanjiro didn't understand what that damn god was doing. He didn't understand what the point of any of this was. He was supposed to be able to understand everything, but he couldn't. He couldn't understand why that's god said that Giyuu loved him. He couldn't understand why Giyuu was doing all of this. He couldn't understand the concept of the word love.

He didn't get it. Everything was confusing. It was something he would never understand. It was something he could never uncover for himself.

Tanjiro didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't get it.
He didn't-

Almost immediately, Tanjiro plastered a smile onto his face, "Is something wrong?"
Nezuko shook her head. There was nothing wrong with her besides the fact that her brother was on the edge. He looked like he was going crazy, scared her.

It was too much. Too much to think about. Too much to try and understand. Tanjiro thought it best to just give up. Give understanding. Give up thinking. It hurt him too much to continue, but he wanted to know. He wanted to understand Giyuu. He wanted to understand the feelings being pointed at him. He was going insane, but he wanted to know. He wanted to understand.

There was one person Tanjiro knew. He was always chasing after girls and ended up with his sister. Not only that, he was always open to explaining things to people. He was patient, and Tanjiro thought he could explain things to him.

"Nezuko said you wanted to see me. What's up?"
That person was Zenitsu. Tanjiro was sure he would know something.
"What is love?"
Zenitsu was completely baffled. He didn't expect Tanjiro to be one of the people to ask that question. Although, he was also pleased because he finally noticed the unrequited love that was aimed at him for years. Zenitsu was proud that he was no longer a dense person. It was like watching his kid grow up.
"It's the best and worst thing to experience," Zenitsu started off, "However, everyone wants to receive and give it."
Tanjiro didn't get it. Somehow, he was more confused then he was before which was clearly shown on his face. Zenitsu sighed rethinking the proudness he felt before, "It drives so many people to do the impossible and for some, it's their reason for living. Love is the reason someone's heart is given to their special person."
Yeah, okay...Tanjiro kind of understood. Love was a dangerous yet safe thing. It drove people to live as well as die. But everyone wanted to have it...? That was the part he found difficult to understand. If there was a chance of misfortune, why would people still take the risk? Not only that, how was he a special person in Giyuu's heart?

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