21) Water's Pooling Out Of My Eyes

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With the help of Luke, I slowly stretched out before practice began. I knew it was a bad idea to exercise when you feel dizzy and your body hurts but I need to make sure we don't have any hooligans on the team.

"When are tryouts?" a familiar voice asked. We turned around to see Josh bothering Trent about joining the team. I guess he was serious about joining the team, now this is going to be fun.

"Tryouts are already over Josh," Trent replied in an annoyed tone. "Go sit on the bleachers or make new friends or whatever. You can't be on the team, we don't have an extra spot."

"Well your dear aunt already bribed me a spot so you kind of have to let me on the team or your dear coach is going to kick you off," Josh smirked. "When are we starting? I am so ready to kick your ass."

I grabbed Luke's hand and marched over towards where they were standing. "Are you sure you want to be one the team?" I asked in a sweet tone. "We don't want anymore broken windows do we?"

"We don't want another sprained ankle either," Luke snickered, giving me a high five. The last time we tried to teach him how to kick a ball, he broke one of our living room windows and sprained his ankle. He was lucky I had forgiving parents.

"I was thirteen," he scoffed. A tinge of pink spread from the nape of his neck. "I think I know how to kick a ball." He stole Luke's ball and turned around to face the goal. It curved to the direction where Nena was doing her homework on the bleachers and smacked her in the arm.

"Watch it you dickwad!" she screamed at him, kicking the ball with her heels back so it hit him straight on the shoulder. Attagirl.

He let out a few curses and tried not to show any pain while Chase gave her a big thumbs up. "Lizzie, love, we all know this is not the game I play. Just because you suck at it doesn't mean you have to take it out on me," he sneered, ignoring Trent's eye roll. Wow, even his own cousin is annoyed with him.

I barked out a laugh. "Don't be mad I didn't want to have my first time with someone who sucks at their own game," I grinned. "You can watch from the bleachers, I'd rather not have my team go down because of you. Or you can take lessons from our sophomore if you're really desperate. He can teach you how to kick a ball."

"I'm staying on the team," he confirmed, clenching his fists. "My mother bribed the school love. It's really sad how easily they give in."

"Of course she did," I agreed. "That is how you were the quarterback love, wasn't it? Ace! Get over here!"

Our goalie ran over towards us and stared at Josh in confusion. "What's up," he greeted.

"This is Josh and he wants to be on the team," I started to explain. "He insists that he must be on the team but the problem is that he can't kick a ball to save his life. Do you mind teaching him?"

"I know how to play," the asshole growled, trying to kick the ball away from me. I twirled it around my leg and kicked it over to Luke who expertly kicked the ball into the goal.

"You need lessons bro," Ace laughed. "When do you want to start? I'm free on Mondays and Fridays and charge twenty bucks an hour. You can choose the date and timings."

Trent awkwardly coughed. "Guys stop this nonsense, that's my job. Josh, you can be an extra defender. Ace, go back to practicing and Lauren, go teach him our usual conditioning routine."

"Why can't I be the captain?" he whined. Is he really serious right now? We all gave him an incredulous look. You need to learn how to kick a ball properly even if you want to be on JV.

"Don't push it," his cousin warned. "Go out into the field and Lauren is going to help you."

"Where's Sam?" I asked Luke, frowning a little and lingering back for a second. "He's usually here by now. He's not hurt is he?"

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