24) Jumping Up And Down In Muddy Puddles

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Remember when I said that the car ride with Sam and Blake was awkward? Right now, I'd prefer that over Katherine's high pitched complaints.

"Why can't we go to the mall?" she whined, angrily inspecting her fingernails as if that would solve everything. I resisted my urge to mock her actions. "We can exercise either way and the mall is a lot more fun. I need more lingerie." Too much information, my sweet twin.

"The mall gets boring after a while," I replied, shoving in my earbuds. "Now if you can shut up, I'd like to listen to my music in peace."

"Why can't I sit in the front?" she whined again. I annoyingly shoved the earbuds out of my ears to glare at her.

"I did offer to sit in the back," I recalled. "Your lover over here threw me onto his fucking hard shoulder and forced me to sit here. Can you shut up now?"

"No," she huffed, crossing her arms and legs. "Why do you have my face?"

"I'm not the person to ask for that," I let her know, trying to keep my calm so the makeup on her face doesn't get cracked by my fist. "Are you done yet?"

"No," she declined, twirling her curls around her finger. "What's with the purple mark on your forehead? It looks weird."

I carefully touched the faded bruise on my forehead, not wincing anymore. It's a good thing Sam's parents and grandmother didn't notice. How do you explain to a group of adults that a guy threatened to kill you in school? "A dude tried to kill me," I simplified, not wanting to get into the details.

She started to laugh 'cutely' until she realized I was being serious. "No way," she dramatically gasped, clutching her heart. "You must have been terrified," she faked concern.

"You don't see me caring, do you?" I asked, pointing at my blank face. I don't think that I will ever get used to looking at my own face on another person, especially Katerina. Please don't tell me that there's more of me out there.

"Why don't you care?" she wondered, staring at me like an idiot. "You almost got killed. You could have died."

"Well I'm still alive, aren't I?" I sarcastically asked. "Samuel, are we there yet?"

He clenched his jaw and kept his eyes on the road. "Nope," he answered, going back to grinding his teeth. Let's pretend I wasn't going on a date with Blake this evening. The way his unshaven stubble angled his jaw was incredibly sexy. Before he could question why I was staring at him like a creep, I turned my head around and retied my hiking boots.

"Sammy?" Kat called for his attention. He looked through the front mirror to see my doppelganger flutter her fake eyelashes at him. It's like watching my redheaded self flirt with Sam. Gross. "Do you think my heels look cute? I can be taller than Lauren in these."

I scoffed, lifting my leg up to show her the extra inch and a half heel my shoe added. I was still an inch taller than her. "I didn't look at your heels," Sam answered, giving her a blank face. She had a frown on her face before she turned to annoy me.

"How do you bend your leg like that?" she huffed, crossing her arms and glaring at me. I tried not to laugh that she's jealous that I can bend my leg like that.

"It's called flexibility," I answered, pointing my toe. "It allows me to bend my leg as far as I want."

Immediately, she grabbed my foot and pushed it towards her so I was in a split position sitting down. "Does that not hurt?" she asked, angry that she couldn't tear a muscle down there.

"Nope," I said, popping the 'p.' "Not even one bit." I moved my leg further to pat her cheek.

"How?" she screeched, wiping the dirt off. "That was supposed to hurt."

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