"Hurry up Bethany!" I exclaimed, impatiently tapping my foot. I was waiting for my sister Beth to hurry packing up. If she looks in the mirror for another two minutes, we are going to miss our plane and be stuck in this shitty town forever.
Today is our last day here in Austin, thank god.
Now let's go over why we're moving. Around three years ago, our parents died and we didn't have much support from family members, since all they cared about was money. We went through a dark time and I had to hold back a sob every time I thought about this. Our aunt, a woman who doesn't even care about us, had to take care of us for legal reasons and went through a lot of alcohol a day. She didn't hit us or anything but even with the large amount of money that was passed down to us, we still had to work. We had work while we were grieving and I really wanted to give my brother a hug for helping us pull through this.
School? That was the best part, note my sarcasm. My so-called best friend and the rest of my friend group didn't talk to us after that. Yeah, they attended the funeral to pay their respects but they didn't talk to me anymore, which really broke me apart at the time. Now, I don't have to care anymore, but I do.
It was pretty much the same for Luke and Beth as well. Their friends ignored them as well because reputation matters over everything, obviously. It's the reason why family and friendships are ruined and the reason why we only had each other.
But even through all that, I had to say, I wasn't proud of how I acted. My ex, Josh Parker, did stick by me, barely, but took me out to parties where I got high, just to forget once. It felt good to get high, and I didn't like that I did those things because I had a little sister and an older brother who needed me. I stopped after he cheated on me though. I kind of wished he cheated on my earlier.
After that day, we changed. Of course we did, we just lost our parents. I couldn't help but remember how chirpy I was back then with pink streaks in my hair and always smiling. I went from that to a girl in dark eyeliner and dark clothes. I wasn't trying to be emo or anything, it's just how I felt and I had the need to wear those things.
My sister was pretty enthusiastic too, she still tries to hold a smile but it's hard when people stare at you and talk behind your back, no matter how much you try to convince yourself that you don't care. She still cares about how she looks but it's not the same.
My brother is a different story. He changed but didn't change. He was never the type to even think about settling down with a girl and had a dirty mind but it got worse after their deaths. He drank when he felt like it, and stopped when I stopped smoking. I know it's a bad thing to do but everyone has their ways of coping. Even through all that we managed to keep our grades up.
I have to say this, our lives were perfectly normal, similar to many kids around this area. We were privileged but didn't like to show it off unlike many people here, which is a good thing. Luke was busy with soccer and football, even as a freshman he made the varsity team. I was busy with soccer and dance, and keeping my grades up. Freshman year is very important. Bethany's life revolved around cheerleading and family and friends, and occasionally travelling around for competitions. Our parents, Lilia and Victor Anderson, worked every weekday, mostly coming home late from their jobs as lawyers. Despite their work, they dedicated every single Sunday to us, our number one supporters. Our father used to play soccer and football and passed it down to Luke and I, minus football for me. Our mother loved cheerleading and dance, and was insanely flexible. One night. One drunk driver. One car accident. That's all it took for everything to crash. Down the drain we went.
"I'm coming!" Bethany yelled. My brother snickered at the words she used, being the guy he is. I hit his arm and rolled my eyes. Boys.
We got out of the house and I looked back one last time, feeling a couple tears streaming down my face. This is the house we all grew up in. There were so many happy memories with family, friends, and even that one time Luke threw a party in middle school and got grounded for a month when they found out.

Living With The Bad Boy
JugendliteraturLauren Anderson isn't your typical girl. For starters, she lost her parents in a car accident when she was just fourteen years old and lives with her two siblings, Luke and Bethany. Ever since then, she's been down on the wrong path with drugs and a...