6) It's Raining Ducks

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The first thing I see when I come downstairs is Lauren eating a stack of pancakes drowned with chocolate syrup. On top of that was a mountain of whipped cream. How the hell is she so skinny?

I cleared my throat, feeling an amused smirk appear on my face. "So I'm guessing burning my parents bank account with your grocery bill is a new hobby of yours?"

She simply grinned, adding more whipped cream and giving her attention back to her phone. Marcie's name appeared on the top of her screen, followed by a series of messages of telling her to shut up.

"Why are you telling Marce to shut up?" I asked, reaching over for milk and cereal, pouring my cereal in first.

She openly gaped at me, dropping her phone on the counter. "Oh my god," she said, not bothering to answer my question. Rude.


"I don't like my cereal crunchy Princess," I simply said, taking a bite out of my already soggy cereal. Delicious.

She huffed, taking another large bite out of her pancakes. "Where are our siblings?" I asked.

"Luke and Lena went in early in Marcie's car with the gang for god knows what." She knows why but isn't telling me. "Marcie's mom picked up Drew, and Beth went along with her friend and her friend's older brother. I didn't feel like leaving early and the whipped cream was calling me so I didn't leave yet. Screw Coach's diet." With that she finished her last bit of pancakes and washed the plate.

I chuckled, putting my cereal bowl in the dishwasher, too lazy to clean it myself. "So how exactly are you planning on getting to school on time?" I asked, leaning against the counter, leaning on my elbows.

She copied my actions, clasping her long, soft-looking, slender, fingers together. "I'll admit, I didn't think about that. Now that you mentioned it, you're driving me." Twirling her finger in the air, she poked my nose and ran upstairs, coming down a minute later in an interesting outfit that somehow worked on her and left me a little scared at the same time.

"You sure you don't want to change?" I asked, gesturing to her black beanie, golden hoops, black New York sweatshirt and leggings, paired with ankle boots. To top that off, she had many more tiny diamond studs trailing up her ear, and some sort of a metal bar going through the top. When the hell did she get that many piercings?

"Why? This is the type of clothes I wear usually," she replied, shrugging. Her boots made an annoying clack clack clack noise.

"Why the hell are your heels so noisy?" I couldn't help but ask. All the noise was getting on my nerves.

"It annoys the teachers to hell," she snickered, grabbing the first keys her hand touched and opened the door.

"I knew you liked touching me," I smirked, taking them from her hand and starting Satan.

She looked at me confused, then changing her expression to annoyed one, face palming herself. Groaning, she easily got on Satty, wrapping her slender arms around my waist, balancing both of our backpacks carefully. "You're an idiot Ryder," she stated, continuing to groan.

"I'm not an idiot princess. I could be valedictorian if Liam James Harris and Marceline Grey didn't exist," I pointed out.

"You are an idiot, Samuel Ryder. I'm not princess, I'm a fucking queen. I don't need a dumbass prince charming in my life. And you clearly forgot about me, my grades are just as high," she contradicted, gesturing for me to start my precious baby.

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