68) Kardashians Loving Plastic Surgeries

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I was pretty much shaking as I led princess up the stairs. What if she said no? Who would say no to me? She's different though, she'd puncture my nose if she had to.

"Are you okay?" she asked for the tenth time. "You're sweating buckets?" I am? I wiped my forehead for the tenth time and flashed her a smile.

"I'm okay," I reassured her, kissing her cheek. Fuck, it was soft. I wasn't okay though. I mean, physically, I was, but on the inside, I was going to explode. Did I even remember everything?

She sighed but clearly didn't believe me but followed me to my room anyway. I locked the door and hoped that she wouldn't notice the cooler in the corner. With one push, I made the bed move so that the door was revealed and locked the bathroom door as well. I couldn't take any chances.

"We're going up there?" she asked in confusion. We hadn't been up there ever since that bitch broke her leg.

"Yeah," I nodded. "It's important, I promise."

"I miss that place," she admitted as I helped her up there. I really hoped that I didn't forget anything, including the speech. Fucking hell Sam, you're not proposing to her. I might puke. What the hell is she doing to me?

"Well you don't have to anymore," I pointed out, hoisting her up so that she could sit at the top. I used my muscles to help myself up and looked around. Shit, I forgot the chocolate.

"One second," I said, briefly kissing her as I ran back down. I made sure that the doors were closed again and I brought the large candy bag upstairs. It was cold, just how she liked it.

"Whoa," she grinned the second she saw the candy bag. Okay, this is going in the right direction. "What's the special occasion?"

"You'll know in a bit," I promised her. First, I needed to make sure that I wouldn't throw up all over her. That would be really embarrassing.

"Okay," she slowly said, cutely squinting as if she was trying to figure something out. I ripped open the candy bag and handed her one, watching her like a creep as she ate one of the candies. "This tastes delicious." Good.

"No shit, it's candy," I sarcastically chuckled. Wow Sam, no wonder you've never had a girlfriend.

She rolled her eyes at me and playfully punched my shoulders. I didn't want to tell her that her knuckles were really hard because she bruised my ego enough but I was itching too.

"So why are we up here?" she asked, taking another piece. Maybe she's hungry, I should have made her dinner or something. I'm a shitty boyfriend. You're not her boyfriend dumbass.

"Because," I shrugged. I needed to ask her this today and right now before I explode. It's a good day too, we skipped school and everyone was happy and we didn't see my bitch of a mother today.

"You're sweating again," she pointed out, wiping my forehead with her palm and rubbing it on my t-shirt. Shit, I should have changed into a fucking tux.

"Thanks," I nervously smiled, feeling like I needed to throw up. She would kill me if I ruined her candy.

"I'll get us pizza and coke!" I suddenly blurted out, bolting down the stairs. I didn't even look back when I opened the door and rushed down the stairs, quickly heating up pizza that was already there. I found a coke bottle in the fridge and ran back up the stairs, locking my door and going up the secret stairs. I hoisted myself to the top and found princess scrolling through Netflix, settling on Outer Banks. She had a good taste in TV shows sometimes.

"Are you going to run back down or do you have everything?" she asked, taking a slice for herself. She hummed in appreciation for the pizza and took a sip out of the coke.

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