27) Go Take A Cold Shower

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"You're a shitty friend you know," an annoying voice spoke up. I sighed and set down my textbook to glare at the intruder.

"What do you want Katherine?" I groaned, looking around for Blake or Sam. They both seemed to magically disappear right at this moment, leaving me with her.

"I'm talking about Lena," she huffed, pulling a chair across from me. Her blue eyes glared at me while she smoothed out her picturesque hair.

"I'm not the one who tried to trip her down the stairs," I recalled, turning my attention back to the textbook. I looked back up to see her mouth in a thin line. She's still here?

"What do you want?" I asked again, annoyed with her presence.

"You're not only a shitty friend to Lena, you're a shit person to Blake and Sam too," she spat out, banging her fists on the table. The people nearby told us to shut up but she didn't pay attention.

"How so?" I asked, looking intrigued.

"Did you get them a birthday gift? Don't answer, I already know that you didn't. Lena and I already went shopping for them though. They deserve real girlfriends like us, not self-absorbed bitches like you."

"Good for you," I yawned, rolling my eyes at her immaturity. "Whether I got them a present or not, it's none of your business. I think you guys forgot that it's a school night and our last year of high school. Shopping everyday is going to work out great."

"Why should that matter?" she asked. "I don't know where you're going to be cleaning toilets but I'm going to be a Victoria's Secret model and then a fashion designer. Milan would want me the second they see my face."

"Thanks for the compliment," I fake smiled. "I think you need to grow four inches if you want to be a model at that lingerie store. They don't take people based on looks."

"I'm tall enough," she huffed, glaring at me. "What would you know about Victoria's Secret? Half of your underwear is sports bras and granny panties."

"Sports bras are comfier than a wedgie," I reasoned, shoving my earbuds in to use Zayn Malik to block out her nasally voice. "And I think that most people who want to be a model have to be at least an inch or two taller than me."

She couldn't seem to disagree with that so she scoffed when she saw my phone. "One Direction is for twelve year olds."

I mocked her scoff and then scowled at her. "You have a photoshopped picture of you and a shirtless Harry Styles on your home screen, don't be a hypocrite."

Realizing that I caught that, she pursed her lips. She should be lucky I didn't say anything about the one of Sam on her lock screen. "Stop trying to change the subject. I don't even get why they're friends with you. Even Trent likes hanging out with you. No offense but you're nothing special."

"If I didn't know any better I would say that you're jealous of me but we all know the great Katerina Addington can't be jealous of Lauren Anderson," I mocked in a sweet tone.

"Me?" she asked in disbelief. "I'm not jealous of you. You've got nothing but pathetic friends and above average height."

"You're right," I agreed. "You shouldn't be jealous of me. You don't have a reason to be. Are we done now?"

"Quit it with the pity card," she hissed. "You think that everyone loves you and that you have everyone wrapped around your little finger just because."

"Because of what?" I nonchalantly asked. Even a girl like Katerina didn't have the heart to say something like that.

"That's not the point," she growled. "Literally everyone loves you and you don't even have to try. Lena said that you dated Trent and dumped him on your date."

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