41) A Love Guru

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"Ooo, food!" Marcie yelled when she opened the door for us. She grabbed the bags from Luke and shoved us inside to take the bag that had her name on it. Liam led us to the living room and made us all take a seat in his colorful living room.

"So, how was your day?" he asked, inspecting us all. "None of your bones are broken. Huh, that's surprising."

"I'm glad you have so much faith in us," Luke drawled. "It was a great three hours. I didn't get a tan though."

"It's lightly raining," Marcie pointed out. The clouds were all gray and the sky turned a little darker and depressing. The weather looked great in my eyes.

"Potato tomato," he waved off. "These guys had a fun time."

"Yeah, we did," Chase smirked. Nena nervously laughed as well and elbowed his ribs. That place needed to be sanitized, stat.

"Luke lost in the race," Sam smugly pointed out, swinging an arm over my shoulder to pull me closer. Holy cannoli.

"I didn't lose, I gave up at the end, there's a difference," Luke lectured.

"He's just mad because he paid over three hundred dollars for the food," I explained.

"Shut up," he grumbled. "I spent a good hundred dollars on you alone."

I looked down at my sandwich, pizza, coke, fries, burger, and cupcake. "No you didn't," I argued. It only totaled up to around fifty.

"Before someone's head gets chopped off, how about we eat and practice for our game tomorrow. Nena can be our referee," Marcie suggested.

"But I'm tired," Chase whined. "My legs are so sore." Cue him getting whacked in the head by Nena.

"I wonder why," Luke sarcastically said. "How about we practice in a couple hours."

"Fine by me," she shrugged, opening her soda can. "Should we really be eating all of this?"

"Why not?" I said with a mouthful of food. "Coach will understand."

"And kick our asses but that's okay," Sam shrugged, moaning at the taste of his burger. I felt my fingers oddly twitch at that sound.

"Don't you guys feel like something is missing?" Nena piped in, frowning as she looked around.

"Yeah," Marcie nodded. "It's Lena. Damn, I really hate that Katherine girl. It's a good thing that Sam turned her down."

"Why wouldn't I?" Sam scoffed. "All she wants is to marry me. I can't even properly talk to a girl without her being so obsessive." For some reason, all I saw was red but I clenched my burger for it to stop. Where is this coming from?

"Talk to screw?" Chase teased, raising an eyebrow.

"Same thing," he waved off. I thought he said that he would stop with the playerness. That sent a wave of disappointment throughout me but I ignored it, quietly listening to their conversation.

Luke raised an eyebrow at him. "I'm just kidding," he reassured. Phew. Why do I care again?

"Thought so," my brother mumbled, sending a glance at me. I pretended to be interested in my burger and kept chewing it.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked, frowning at Luke. He looked like he was mentally telling him to shut up, making me more curious. You shouldn't be prying Lauren.

"You know what I mean," Luke smirked. What?

"No I don't," he stiffly said, looking back at my confused face before looking at my brother again. Are they hiding something?

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