34) Chuck Veggies At The Neighbor

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"I'm going to screw up," I muttered, pacing back and forth in Sam's living room. The jeans that Nena shoved me into awkwardly clung to my legs and the flattering blue blouse that matched my eyes wasn't my usual style. "I might embarrass myself. No, I will embarrass myself. Oh mon dieu, je vais mourir."

"No you won't," Marcie reassured. Gah, she knows me too well. "They're going to love you, just be yourself. Nothing's going to go wrong."

"Be myself?" I sarcastically asked. "If I had to be myself, I would chuck veggies at the neighbor and eat all the dessert. Oh, you can't forget that I inhale my food."

"Lauren, relax," Nena ordered, forcing me to sit down. "When I met Chase's parents, they were really nice. Their dad even brought us a box of condoms and showed us the soundproof bedroom. You'll be fine."

I choked on my water and started to violently cough. "He did what?" I swear they were like thirteen...

"Relax, I'm joking," she grinned. "He told us to not do it when he was in the house. We still got the box of condoms though."

"Moving on," Marcie interrupted, giving her a stern look to stop talking. I know that look, she gives it to me all the time. "Are you driving or is Blake picking you up?"

"He's picking me up," I muttered, running a hand through my short hair. I'm still not used to this length. "He specifically told me not to move an inch out of the house until he comes."

"Really?" they both asked with a grin. I had a feeling that they knew something that I didn't but didn't say anything because frankly, I didn't want to know.

"Yeah," I nodded as the doorbell rang. "Oh, that must be him."

"Blake's here?" a voice asked. We turned around at the same time to see Lena in her usual low cut top and tight jean shorts, checking herself out in the mirror with weird poses. "Dang, I look hot. Blake will love this."

"Okay," I snorted. "A nice guy with a girlfriend would pay attention to a girl who he thinks is friends with his girlfriend in that manner. Makes total sense."

"Why are you dressed up?" she asked, ignoring my words and frowning at my outfit.

"Because I'm meeting my boyfriend's parents," I answered in a flat tone. "I'm meeting Blake's parents, nice chat."

Without another word, I opened the front door and saw Blake with a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

"Hey Lauren," he greeted, sending smiles to my friends and Lena as well. She pushed her top down further and grinned at the flowers. The girls greeted him and went back inside, giving me a thumbs up before they left.

I noticed how Lena was about to say something about the flowers so I beat her to it by taking the flowers from his hand and kissing his lips. He seemed shocked since I rarely make the first move but kissed me back, pulling me closer by the waist. I tugged on his hair, causing him to groan and send a wave of pleasure throughout my body. He gripped my hips tighter and was about to press me against the wall before we heard a cough.

We both slowly broke apart with flushed cheeks to raise an eyebrow at the intruder. "Lena," I said in a surprised tone, obviously pretending. Of course she would still be here. "What are you still doing here?"

"I was going to say hi to Blake before you interrupted," she answered in a sickly sweet tone with clenched fists and red ears. Good. She made a big show of walking over and pressing herself against Blake to give him a sweet smile. "Hello Blake."

I inwardly smiled as he took a couple steps back and interlocked our fingers, looking a little grossed out when she pulled her top further down to showcase her lacy red bra.

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