23) Give A High-Five To Lady Gaga

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I stared at the teenage girl in front of me. I blinked once. She blinked twice. "What the hell?" we both said at the same time. I am so going to burn all of my Vampire Diaries posters.

"Why are you guys here?" Sam angrily asked before giving the old woman a large hug. "It's good to see you here Nana, I've missed you."

"You're not going to say hello to your mother and father?" his dad scolded, clapping Sam on the back before giving him a big hug. I stopped staring at my cake face redhead self to take a look at Elisa and James Ryder. Holy shit, I'm standing in front of Elisa and James Ryder. They had to be at least forty years old but they looked like they just hit thirty with their flawless skin. Should I be squealing right now?

"You can stop the act now, I've already told Lauren about you," he rolled his eyes. "Princess, meet my mother and father. Feel free to call them Elisa and James, they won't mind. This is my grandma, London Ryder." I knew I heard that name before. "Call her Nana, she's amazing and you'll love her. This is Katerina, my dad's friend's daughter and Lena's friend. She's an unexpected surprise."

"Hello," I greeted, suddenly feeling awkward. My redhead twin started to glare at me as I walked over to stand next to Sam. Let's call her Katherine.

"So this is the Lauren he's been talking about," Nona gushed, surprising me by giving me a big hug. I blinked in surprise but hugged the petite woman back. "I thought my grandson was never going to settle down. He even mentioned that you two share a room."

I pulled away, coughing and ready to protest but a voice interrupted me. "You can't sleep with my fiancé!" my twin shrieked. I took in note of how her red hair was shorter than mine but still pretty long. It was in gorgeous waves as mine was in a tangled mess. Her blue eyes radiated anger and I realized that she was two inches shorter than me without heels on, and a lot curvier with a cake face. Nona and Mr. Ryder seemed annoyed with her while Mrs. Ryder looked at her like her own daughter.

"I don't know who your fiancé is!" I exclaimed, defending myself. "I'm not sleeping with anyone and why do you have my face?"

"I'm talking about Sam!" she screeched, ignoring the last part. Elisa soothingly patted her back and glared at me. I held back the urge to roll my eyes. "Don't you dare sleep with him."

"I'm not going to sleep with Sam!" I yelled, realizing that I was standing in between three adults. Sam's dad was snickering like a teen and his grandmother muffled her laughter with her fist. This is really embarrassing. Wow Lauren, you are so fucking good with first impressions.

"You're sharing a room with my son?" Elisa questioned in disbelief, looking at me disgustingly.

"I'm not sleeping with your son and I'm not dating him," I told her, giving her a tight smile before glaring at Sam.

"Oh that's a shame," Nona pouted. "I was really hoping for some great-grandchildren. They would have Lauren's pretty eyes, that's for sure."

"We have the same eyes," Katherine piped in with a nasally voice. Elisa turned her attention back to the redhead and complimented her how shiny her eyes looked in this light. Everyone else ignored the both of them.

My cheeks turned a shade redder than Katherine's hair and I uncomfortably coughed. "We're just friends," I mumbled, taking a small step back.

Sam stopped everyone from moving. "Hold up. Since when was I getting married to Katerina?! You can't make me do anything, I'm turning eighteen soon. Good luck getting me married in eight days."

"We were going to plan a marriage for the both of you," James started, rolling his eyes at his son's furious face. "Don't worry, your Nana changed my mind. You're not marrying Katerina."

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