2) I Get Tested Everyday

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"You'll be fine," I laughed. For the past hour, Beth was hyperventilating about clothes and shit. I mean, I'm dressed in a black Nike sweatshirt paired with dark blue leggings. It's school, I want to be comfortable. Beth, on the other hand, is wearing a tight white crop top with really tight black leather pants. It's the middle of January, she'll freeze to death or by the lack of blood circulation. RIP sis.

"What if no one likes me. I DON'T WANT TO EAT LUNCH BY MYSELF!" she screamed. There went my eardrums.

"The only person who will like you in that outfit are my one-night stands," Luke deadpanned.

"Shut up Ezekiel," she snapped, going back to check herself out in the mirror.

"I am never forgiving Aunt Sophie for naming me that," he cried, being his usual dramatic self. It must run in the family. I can't say anything, I was dramatic when I needed to be.

"Guys we have five minutes," Lena reminded us. I pushed Beth back upstairs to go change. She came back downstairs with a black cropped sweatshirt and blue leggings.

"Better," we all said in unison. She rolled her eyes and marched past us towards the minivan. Thankfully, Sam and Lena's car could fit all of us.

Beth hurried to the backseat, leaving Luke and Lena to the middle. Of course I have to sit next to Sam. Life treats me great.

"Hurry up before I carry you inside princess," you-know-who smirked, crossing his arms over his defined chest. I knew he didn't forget what I did but for my sake, he didn't tell anyone or say anything.

"You wouldn't dare," I challenged, narrowing my eyes into slits at him. They're no way he could get me in a car right right next to him. That should be illegal.

He threw me over his shoulder and dropped me onto the seat, making sure I didn't bang my head against the car. What a jerk.

"So, what grade are you guys in?" Lena asked. "I'm a junior and Sam's a senior."

"We're both seniors," Luke answered for the both of us, giving her his dazzling smile. Please don't hit on her in front of me.

"Sweet," she answered, ignoring his face. All of Sam's friends are seniors and my friend, Marcie is a senior. You guys might have some classes with each other."

I pulled out my schedule, mostly consisting of AP classes. "I have AP Chemistry first, Study Hall second, AP Italian, lunch, AP Calculus, AP Psychology, and then AP English Literature after." Thanks to working hard all those other years, I didn't have to take many classes.

"Lucky bitch. I have Spanish, Health, History, Calculus, lunch, AP Chemistry, and AP English Literature last. Why the hell do you get a Study Hall for an hour and I don't?" Luke complained. I simply stuck my tongue out at him.

"We have the same lunch period!" Lena exclaimed. Lucky for you guys, so do the rest of our friends."

"Looks like I'm seeing you a lot more often everyday," Sam smirked. I quickly grabbed his phone and looked at his schedule. Lucky me, we had all the same classes. English with two idiots, I'm doomed.

"Stop banging your head against Willy, you're going to break her!" he cried out, putting a hand where my forehead touched the car. I felt something weird in my body but then realized what he just said.

I burst out laughing, surprised because I haven't actually laughed like this in a long time. "Who t-the hell-l na-ames their car?" I hiccupped, mascara streaming down my face.

"Don't make fun of Willema," he scolded, patting his car soothingly with one hand.

I laughed even harder.

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