"Hey my favorite little pig!" Nena loudly greeted, crushing me into a giant hug. "I haven't seen you in two whole days. Dammit, I missed you. How was Massachusetts?"
"I can't breathe," I gasped out. She finally released me as Marcie soothingly patted my back.
"I look through Instagram and find you and Sam hugging and posting pictures together with large smiles on your faces. Explain," she demanded.
Marcie gave me a surprised look and checked her phone to repost the pictures on her story. She also showed me some of the comments, they were hilarious.
"We visited a cafe that Sam really wanted to go to and climbed on Harvard's roof," I shrugged.
"You what?!" they both exclaimed. "That doesn't explain why you two are so close and adorable together though." Obviously, Nena said the last part.
I scrunched up my nose and swatted their arms. Cheese, Sam and I aren't adorable. "There was only like four feet of space and no fence or anything. We could have fallen off if we moved."
"Who took you guys there?"
"Sam's cousin, Mila, and her prick of a boyfriend," I answered. "How was your double date?"
"I could ask you the same thing," Nena smugly said. I playfully whacked her arm as she laughed at me. "We went to the movies and the guys picked out a really boring one."
"Hey! It was a good one," Marcie defensively argued. "We watched Godzilla vs Kong and then went to a restaurant after. The food was good but it was too fancy. Golfing is better in my opinion. Or even a soccer game."
"The restaurant was not too fancy," she argued. "They had so many knives and there weren't any noisy kids. It was perfect."
"Ouch," I winced. "Are you sure that no one chopped their ears off?"
"I almost did," Marce piped in. "Those things are so sharp. They should belong in a kitchen, not a table. I can gladly eat a steak without a knife."
"But then your fingernails would get food inside and that's hard to take out." She showed Nena her perfectly cut nails. "Never mind, knives are fun to use though."
"Not when you cut yourself," I pointed out. "You have no idea how hard tomatoes are to cut."
"Hey, it was worth it," Nena joked. "You got a free cuddle session with six abs."
"Did not!" I protested. "I was sick-"
"Attention everyone!" Katherine yelled, standing on a large stool with a poster behind her back. Her little sidekick was right next to her, making sure that everyone was listening. "As you all know, I'm Katerina Addington. Homecoming is coming up on the fifth and everyone needs a date or you'll look pathetic like my look alike over there in her stupid shirt."
I looked down at my Nike t-shirt and frowned. I didn't look that indecent. Oh wait. "I have a date," I scoffed, crossing my arms. "You're the one without any guy to come with."
She flushed a deep red and glared at me. "That's where I'm headed." She pulled out a bright pink poster that wrote homecoming on it and had cheerleaders come in from behind and do a little dance routine with their pom poms. "Sammy, we're going to homecoming together!"
Sam looked up from his phone along with my brother, Liam, and Chase. They all looked bored and uninterested. "No," he blankly said, going back to the phone.
"It wasn't a question," she said with a tight smile, laughing nervously at the crowd who started to snicker. "It was an order. We're going to homecoming, I already bought my dress and shoes and your suit and got a corsage for you to put on me. You don't realize how expensive dress is."

Living With The Bad Boy
Teen FictionLauren Anderson isn't your typical girl. For starters, she lost her parents in a car accident when she was just fourteen years old and lives with her two siblings, Luke and Bethany. Ever since then, she's been down on the wrong path with drugs and a...