"Is he still sleeping?" Bethany asked when we entered the mall. I sent a text out to Sam, saying that I was going to be out for a while and he still hadn't responded. Then I checked the time.
"It's still eleven in the morning," I reminded her. "He's still asleep, don't worry. Knowing him, he won't wake up for another couple hours and we'll be back by then. Where do you want to go first?"
"The ice cream store," Luke gleefully responded when he caught one. "Please, Lauren, pretty please. I want ice cream. Look at it! I'm starving." His stomach made a loud rumble too even though he ate ten pancakes for breakfast. The big sized ones, not the mini ones.
"I am looking at it," I grinned, pretending to get all excited. "We can have ice cream after we buy their presents. It's tomorrow and we have a lot to do."
"Do I have to get Blake something too?" my sister whined. "I don't even know him, how am I supposed to get him something that he wants."
"You don't have to if you don't want to," I sighed, realizing that I only know the basic things about him too. Then again, we've only been dating for a week. "I know what to get Blake but what the hell am I supposed to get Sam?"
"What are you getting Blake?" they both asked me in unison. I shivered but pointed towards the shoe store.
"A pair of Nike shoes, a bunch of donuts which I'll pick up tomorrow morning, and a signed football shirt which I've already pre brought."
"What are you getting Sam?" they both asked in unison again.
"I don't know," I groaned. "What are you two getting them?"
"I'm getting him a couple t-shirts and a new backpack," Luke said. "His old one stinks." That's a smart idea, I'm pretty sure I saw something moving in there the other day.
"I'm getting him a couple gift-cards," Bethany shrugs. "I don't really know what he likes besides food and soccer." She muttered something else but I couldn't hear it.
A couple ideas popped in my head, making me grin. "You know what guys, I'll be back in an hour." With that, I ran to the nearest jewelry store, making sure that they had the necklaces with the wording inside. All of them were either butterflies or My Little Pony, making me inwardly throw up. Gross.
Grimacing, I ran over to the next jewelry store. Inside the store was a lot of black jewelry. Well this seems interesting. Rummaging through the necklace section, I found a particular one that caught my eye. Everyone has the right to be an idiot, it's just that some people abuse the privilege. The words were engraved in a circular-looking necklace and it looked like the type of thing that Sam would wear, even if it's an accessory. Perfect.
Grinning, I took that necklace and checked it out, but another one caught my eye. You're an idiot but I still love you. Slightly chuckling, I shook my head. Sam's future wife should get him that.
Carrying the little bag, I went inside a little candy store, knowing how much he loves candy. Also, our little hideout was running out of food and I know that he spends a lot of time up there.
Looking through the candy, I brought all of his favorites, Snickers, M&M's, KitKat, and Caramel squares. For some reason, I had the need to buy him more than just these gifts.
Sighing, I went through more jewelry stores, looking for absolutely nothing. Think Lauren, what would Sam like and why did I want to get him something meaningful rather than a pair of shoes?
I groaned and caught a yin and yang necklace, deciding to buy that. He should give the other half to his sister or a friend. Why isn't this enough?
After looking through the music stores, I decided to buy a One Direction album as a joke and added in a Beatles album so he wouldn't look like a sad puppy.

Living With The Bad Boy
Teen FictionLauren Anderson isn't your typical girl. For starters, she lost her parents in a car accident when she was just fourteen years old and lives with her two siblings, Luke and Bethany. Ever since then, she's been down on the wrong path with drugs and a...