18) Bleach Face Tattooed Raccoon

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"You're not going to school," my brother pushed me back down on the bed. After spending a day inside my temporary room in blankets, anyone would want to run a mile, outside.

"I feel fine," I croaked out, letting out a harsh cough. Gasping, I reached for the water on the nightstand and gulped it down. I don't even want to know how I look like right now.

"You're not fine," he pointed out the obvious. "Please don't be fine, wait, that came out all wrong. Please don't go to school, I can babysit you! There's soup in the kitchen and I already color coded bells for you. You aren't going to school."

"You'd rather babysit me than go to school?" I asked in disbelief. Only my brother would rather his sister's vomit and snot than take his Calculus quiz.

He gave an are you stupid look. "I have a Calculus quiz and I don't know what's on it! I can't fail, my grade already slipped down to a B minus! Do you want me to fail?!" he dramatically asked.

"I helped you study for it yesterday for three hours! How the hell can you forget that?" I exclaimed, very close to rubbing all my snot covered tissues on him.

"Not all of us are doing AP Calculus BZ-"

"It's BC dumbass."

"I don't care, no one's here to take care of you and you can't risk puking all over the carpets." He made a good point.

"I'm not going to puke all over the carpets, I promise," I tried to convince, sneezing in an unladylike manner again. Grabbing a tissue, I blew my nose and threw the tissue in the large pile of dirty paper overflowing the trash.

He gave me a pointed look. "No one is in the house and I'm not leaving my baby sister to die and suffer all alone."

"Oh shut up, you just don't want to go to school," I smacked his head. I have a six year old as a brother.

"I'll go the second you show me a third person in the house," he crossed his heart. A wide smirk grew on my face.

"SAM!" I screamed as loud as I could in my hoarse voice, coughing violently and gulping down more water. My throat feels like a vampire in the sun.

He stumbled to my room in old gym shorts and a cotton t-shirt that hugged his muscles. If he worked out anymore, his chest could probably rip open that t-shirt, not that I would mind. I mentally smacked myself back into reality.

"What?" he grumbled, widening his eyes as he looked at me. I didn't look that horrendous. Oh, who am I kidding, I probably did.

"See," I showed him, grinning at his disappointed face. "I'm not alone. Now get to school before I stick my guitar pick up your nose."

He quickly ran out of my room after that and I heard the front door slam shut. Now that wasn't so hard, was it?

Turning my attention to Sam, I caught him shifting uncomfortably. "How are you feeling?" he softly asked, avoiding the topic. Are all boys like that?

"I'm fine," I answered, annoyed with the small talk. "Why the hell are you ignoring me? I didn't do anything wrong, at least not that I know off. I'm sorry if I did."

He gave me an innocent look but I caught a tint of guilt. Great, we are getting somewhere. "What do you mean? I'm not ignoring you, you don't have anything to be sorry for," he played dumb.

"Don't bullshit me Ryder," I hissed. "You either tell me or you don't ignore me. I'm not one of your play toys for you to ignore me whenever you feel like."

He seemed to snap back into reality after that. "No no no, you're definitely not one of them. It's complicated princess, I'd rather not explain it right now."

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