35) I'll Shove His Face In The Pool

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"So are you going to tell me why you're grinning like a madman or not?" I asked, poking his shoulder for the fifth time. I love his smile but he kept that creepy one on for the past five minutes and it was starting to creep me out.

"You'll see when we get home," Sam answered, giving me a toothy smirk. It showed his perfect white teeth which I had to forcefully look away from.

I stomped on the carseat, fully frustrated. "I hate surprises," I let him know.

"I know princesa," he grinned, ruffling my hair. "You're welcome by the way."

"Princesa? What are you, Spanish? Oh wait never mind. You know how to speak Spanish?"

"It just adds to my hotness, doesn't it?" he dreamily sighed, then stopping to give me a wide grin. That little piece of-

"You have none," I lied. He pouted ador- annoyingly and amusement filled his chocolate brown eyes. His bottom lip was pink and out and I really wanted to-

"See something you like?" he asked, smirking again. When does he not?

I pulled the mirror up and pointed at my face. "Yeah, this," I said.

"You're not wrong," he muttered. I felt my whole face heat up at his words. He found me attractive? I'm pretty sure my short waves were sticking in every direction possible. Oh, I don't think I wasn't supposed to hear that.

"I know," I smugly smirked, hoping that my cheeks weren't as red as they felt. He looked a little appalled that I heard that but cleared his throat. I smirked wider at his flushed cheeks. "Is Samuel Ryder blushing at my hotness? I didn't know I was that irresistible."

"You mean irritating," he huffed, cheeks reheating again. I reached out to pinch them just to annoy him further.

"Nah, that's just you," I chortled. He parked the car and grumpily got out, stomping his way back into the house with me loudly laughing.

"Who's the guest?" I asked, pointing towards the unfamiliar shoes. They looked way too small to be Katherine's and Lena always kept hers in her closet.

His eyes widened and he mumbled a couple curses under his breath. Rushing over to me, he closed my eyes and his whole body was almost pressed against mine. Calmati cazzo, Lauren.

"What are you doing?" I stammered out. He placed a hand on my hip to steady himself and walked further out.

"Relax," he whispered in my ear. Relax? How can I relax? His lips were practically on my ear and I'm a teenage girl. Wait, why is he affecting me?

"No," I said, stubbornly shaking my head. "Wait, I smell cookie dough."

He took his hand off my face and showed me a bunch of suitcases. "What's going on?" I asked.

"My mother bought a mansion for herself and Katerina and Lena wanted to move in with her," he explained, propping his chin on my head and wrapping his arms around my shoulders. Yeah, he's that tall.

"She doesn't want you to come?" I softly asked. He looked really happy but for all I know, he could be faking it. Nah, he's really happy.

"Your twin wants me to come. I don't know, it's not like I would go anyway, they're worse than the girls at our school and I'd rather stay with you guys and Nana."

"You're not wrong," I agreed. "So are you going to tell me why I smell cookie dough or not? I'm starving again."

He closed my eyes again with one hand and used the other to hold my hip, setting my heart beat at an irregular rate again. Carefully, he led me towards the kitchen and pulled his hands away, revealing a brunette I haven't seen in days.

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