Chapter 8

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He knocked on the door for me and we stood outside waiting for her to answer. "Well come on in, Remus would you like to join us for tea?" He gave her a smile and agreed. The three of us sat down around her desk and I watched as she handed me one single paper. "This is just what you need to catch up on, I'm sure your friend Hermione Granger can help with that." I nodded putting the paper into my pocket. "As head of your house I'm just setting a few affairs in order."

I sat back not sure if I was going to enjoy this conversation. "A lot has happened to you Clara, is there anything you'd like to talk about?" I immediately shook my head, "no thank you." She gave me a warm smile, "if you ever need to, keep me in mind."

"Alright, now seeing as you're mother has unfortunately passed, and your father is unavailable to care for you, where will you be staying?" I shrugged, "I haven't given it much thought." She nodded, "I have it written down that Pansy has found a home, can you stay with her?" I immediately shook my head. "I'll figure it out." She flipped the page, "seeing as there is currently no one to fill out a Hogsmeade permission form, you may not attend." I looked down miserably. "I'm sorry Ms. Parkinson."

"Now one last thing. Sirius Black. You shared a cell with him, I do not care if you know anything about his escape. I simply want you to be cautious. Who knows what he's after." I nodded, "is that all?" She gave me a small smile, "have a good night dear."

I stood up and professor Lupin stayed behind. I walked out into the hallway and a group of first years saw me then immediately grabbed each other quickly walking the other way. I placed my hand over my mouth letting out a sob. I fell back against the castle wall trying to quiet down my crying. "Are you alright?" A boy asked. I turned to face him, "do I look alright?" He shook his head, "not at all." I scoffed trying to wipe away all my tears. "If I were you I'd be upset too, I mean with all the rumours I don't exactly know the full truth, and I don't need too. I just know that's a lot, especially for someone your age." I looked up at the boy, "you're in Hufflepuff aren't you?" He nodded, "Cedric." I turned wiping my face once more, "I'm sure you know who I am." He laughed, "I do."

"I was just about to observe the quidditch field, want to go for a quick walk." I shrugged, following him out there. "My father works at the ministry, he said the ministers damn lucky he caught his mistake. He's in loads of trouble right now you know." I narrowed my eyes, "the minister is?" Cedric nodded, "he accused you of murder without a trial, is trying to hide his mistake, and locked an underage girl in Azkaban, with Sirius Black." I smiled, "good, I won't pretend to care about him."

He walked around the pit and once he seemed satisfied he nodded. "Ready?" I followed him back to the castle. "I hope things get better for you Clara, you deserve it truly." I smiled, "thank you."

I made my way to the common room I saw Fred George Ron Hermione and Harry sitting down around the fire. I sighed deciding I should join them and get it all over with. "Before you ask me anything. You've all heard the rumours? What are people saying about me why are first years running away when they see me?"

Hermione bit her lip looking around at everyone else, "they're calling you a murderer, Clara." I put my head back, "the ministry knows their mistake, didn't they admit it?." Harry shook his head, "not publicly no. When would fudge ever admit to being wrong?" I rolled my eyes, "I need to go talk to someone. Thanks for the truth."

I went directly to Dumbledores office and stood outside the door unsure of what to do next because I did not know the password. "Are you trying to get in?" I spun around and saw professor Lupin there walking with Snape. "Yes, I just don't know the password." Lupin opened the door for me and I thanked him then quickly ran up the stairs.

"Sir." I caught his attention and he turned around smiling at me. "I need a favour." He sat down urging me to continue. "The whole school thinks I'm a murderer. They need the truth." Dumbledore nodded, "I agree." I stood there for another minute not sure what that meant. "Have a good night Clara." I sighed leaving his office, making my way down the hallway stopping to sit on one of the lower walls. I leaned my head onto the castles wall staring out at the grounds.

"Ms. Parkinson, it's not wise to run around the corridors at night. Not with someone like Sirius Black loose." I saw Snape standing behind me. I jumped off the wall giving him one of the most disgusted looks I could, then quickly made my way back to the common room.

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