Chapter 93

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I was sent away after I was given the mark and Draco was given permission to accompany me. He placed his hand on my lower back and I let him lead me up the stairs into what I imagined was his room.

"Are you alright?" He whispered wrapping his arms around me tightly. I let out a small cry burring my head in his shoulder. "You have no idea what it's been like," I hissed pushing him away from me. "I've been all alone, for months Draco." He shook his head, "I know, I'm so sorry." I scoffed, "when I told you I was pregnant you didn't even look at me. You did this to me." He pulled my chin up forcing me to look at him, "Clara, I was in shock. You had just killed Dumbledore everything had changed." I wiped my tears, "I didn't have a choice. If you or Snape didn't you'd both die. Then they'd kill me." He gently placed a hand on my stomach, "I'm here now. I am not letting you do this alone." I gently closed my eyes, "you should've tried to find me. I needed you."

The door burst open, "you need to leave now," Lucious spat. I quickly followed him out of the room but Draco hurried after me grabbing my wrist. "I'm sorry Clara. I love you." Lucious ripped me away from him and then apparated us to the Black mansion. "What you do from here is your choice. But stay away from my son, I'm not letting him die for you like everyone else."

"Fuck you." I whispered blinking away the rest of my tears. "You best watch your tongue." I glared at him, "fuck. you." Lucious pulled me off the ground, "I could kill you right now little girl." I scoffed, "you've tried once, what's stopping you now? The fact that I'm pregnant? You're a sick man Lucious you tried to kill me, you tortured me and for what?" Lucious pushed me against the wall, "I saved your life you ungrateful girl. You did this to yourself, this baby is going to die because of you." I tried to pull away but he pinned me there, "no it's not. I am not letting anything happen to this baby." He scoffed, "you've noticed a pattern correct? Everyone who has died, has died for you." I let a few tears slip out, "let me go." He shook his head pressing my wrists harder against the wall until I let out a loud sob, "you're weak." I used my elbows to try and hide my face, "you took away everyone I cared about. You did. That doesn't make me weak." He laughed in my face, "and where have you been the past seven months? You ran away from it all because you're pathetic. My son deserves better." I dropped my eyes, "your son deserves nothing. Neither do you. I was a little girl when you hurt me, I didn't deserve anything you people did to me."

He slowly dropped my arm stepping away from me. "I'm not letting you anywhere near this baby." He glared at me, "you're still a little girl." I shrugged, "you can't call me little and weak after everything. This is your grandkid show me some fucking respect." Lucious pressed his lips together, "goodbye Clara."

I slammed the door behind him taking a few minutes to actually catch my breath. I had no idea what I was supposed to do next.

Kreacher was staring at me from the kitchen and I completely ignored him making my way upstairs. I pushed the nursery door open smiling at my picture wall. I laughed at the last one I took it wasn't too long ago but there was a noticeable difference in my stomach.

When I pulled my sweater back down the bump was no longer noticeable. I wondered if I had been eating enough I haven't seen many pregnant people but I always imagined them to be huge. I was close to having this baby and yet you could barely tell.

"I'll watch the gps for you again Clara." I gave Kreacher a small nod, "thanks." As soon as he left I held my sweater up and took another picture to hang up.

I pressed my back against the wall and finally took a minute to think about what had happened. I wasn't sure if I was mad or relieved Harry and them didn't even try to get me out of the Malfoys. Harry knew they would kill me, but at the same time I didn't want them risking anything to help me, that would just prove Lucious' point further.

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