Chapter 80

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I was still cleaning up the glass but I paused when I was a large chunk of a picture laying face down. I picked it up to put it in the correct pile and when I flipped it over I saw Sirius and Remus smiling back at me. I had ripped myself out of the picture, quickly I began shuffling my hands through the broken glass trying to find the missing piece.

"Clara." I jumped turning around. Remus stood at the door looking down at me. "We're not going to worry about this right now." I looked around at the mess, "I did this, I need to clean it up." He shook his head, "no sweetheart, you don't." I gently set the picture down and took his hand that he extended out to me. I immediately threw my arms around him, and began apologizing over and over. "Don't talk, we can talk after."

I listened to him feeling a large amount of weight lift off my shoulders. I was terrified that I ruined one of the most important relationships I had in my life last night, but Remus was right, this hug was more reassuring then any words would have been.

"Come on, I made tea dear." I followed him into the kitchen sitting down at the table as he set a cup in front of me. "Last night, you don't need to apologize for Clara. I reacted poorly. Very poorly. I need you to understand that when I say I love you I mean it with every bone in my body. Tonks understands that, and my god I would never ever just leave you all alone, not for her or anyone. I yelled because of how much I love you, I am scared, everyone is, but that wasn't right." I took a sip of my tea, "I love you too." We sat quietly for a moment before I lifted my eyes, "are you mad at me?" He sighed, reaching across for my hand, "no sweetheart. I want you to be very careful with Draco. I'm not going to forbid you from being with him, but I am going to remind you that his family is dangerous. I'm disappointed I found out from Harry."

"I didn't think that was the kind of thing you'd want to hear about." Remus smiled, "you having sex? Absolutely not. But you caring for someone, of course, no matter who it is."

"Thank you," I whispered. "What do you say we watch a movie in our pjs, cozy up on the couch." I nodded, "sounds like a good day." He smiled again, "I'll make us some breakfast, and hot coco, you go finish your room. Alright dear?"

I got up putting my cup in the sink and he gently kissed my forehead, "I love you."

I finished my bedroom quickly and then changed into a new set of pjs. Remus sat on the couch and had a little table set up in front of him with our breakfasts. "Come sit dear," he patted the spot beside him and I sat down grabbing my toast as he hit play.

It didn't take long for me to feel sleepy once again, Remus smiled, "I hope you're not getting too old to sit with this old man and watch movies." I leaned my head on his shoulders trying to fight my exhaustion, "that day will never come." He covered me with the blanket and set a pillow on his side so I could be as comfortable as possible. "Sweet dreams. I'll be here when you wake up."

As promised Remus was still there when I woke up. "Goodness, I was beginning to think you were dead," he joked. I smiled lifting my head up, "what time is it?" He scoffed, "almost dinner time. You hungry?" I bit my lip, "not really." He nodded, "well we're going to eat anyway." I rolled my eyes, "what's the point of asking?"

I followed him into the kitchen and cut up vegetables as he put on a broth for soup. "Do you think I can trust Snape?" I asked taking a bite out of the carrot in front of me. He sighed, "I hope so Clara. I really do." I set the knife down, "but not Draco?" Remus thought for a moment before speaking, "you have to decide that for yourself. If you really think he loves you, then your judgment is hopefully correct. But you do need to be careful sweetheart." I nodded, "I think I can trust him. I know to everyone else it probably seems I'm just some stupid girl blinded by love, but he's been trying to help me since third year, and he's genuine." Remus gave me a small smile, "you're not some stupid girl. If you trust him, so do I, and that's final."

We ate dinner and I forced Remus to let me do the dishes. When I had finished I found him reading in his room. "I just wanted to say goodnight." He set the book down, "come here sweetheart." I gave him a hug, not wanting to let go knowing my return to Hogwarts was tomorrow. "Stay here for awhile if you need," he said patting the spot beside him. I listened pulling the covers up and rolling over so I could half read what was on his page, until I eventually drifted off.

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