Chapter 85

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"You're a popular girl Clara." Harry slowly walked in shutting the door behind him. I looked up at him slowly, "I guess so."

"I know we haven't been on the best terms recently. What I did is unforgivable Clara. I didn't realize what that curse did. I'm sorry. Please believe me." I took a deep breath, "Harry, it's fine." He looked at me confused, "what?" I shook my head, "believe me, apologizing doesn't mean anything anymore. We all just have to learn to get up, get over it and move on. That's what I'm doing here. So Harry it's alright, I forgive you."

He sighed, "I really am sorry." I shrugged, "I already said it's fine. I'm fine, everything's fine." He shook its head, "no it's not, what kind of drugs are they giving you?" I smiled, "apparently good ones." This made Harry laugh a little, "you deserve it."

Later that evening Draco snuck back in to see me. "Hey," I whispered moving over so he could get in. "How are you feeling?" He asked pushing my hair out of my face. "Tired." He sat up more so my head rested on his chest, "close your eyes, I'll be right here." I lifted my left hand setting it on his arm. "If we make it out of this alive, could you see us having any children?" He laughed, "god no. Imagine us as parents, that would be a train wreck." It took me a second to force a laugh out, not able to say anything.

"You must be tired asking shit like that, close your eyes Clara." I sighed, gently closing my eyes pretending to sleep. Meanwhile what he said was doing circles in my head. He fell asleep only a few minutes later, his soft snores didn't help me fall asleep, instead they made me want to hit him. I needed him right now, I needed someone right now, someone who understands what's going on who can give me some sort of comfort.


Close to a month had passed I did my best to distance myself from basically anyone who tried to talk to me. "Hey Clara, come with me," Harry grabbed my hand beginning to pull me out of the common room. "To where, Harry I have work to do." He laughed, "to go see Hagrid I fancy paying him a visit." I looked at him confused as he skipped away. "Is he drunk?" I asked Hermione. She let out a small laugh, "no he's on his way to see Professor Slughorn. Find out the truth about the horcruxes."

"I see." She sat down beside me pulling out her own books. "How are you feeling?" She asked nodding towards my chest. "It doesn't hurt at all anymore." Hermione smiled, "good, they were stupid to fight like that it sucks you had to be the one who got hurt." I shrugged, "I'm used to it."
I stayed with her until dinner time where I decided to meet Draco outside by the lake.

"Hey," he smiled wrapping his hands around my waist. I gave him a small smile in return avoiding his eyes. I forced myself to place a small kiss on his lips and then sat down beside him. "Pansy knows we're together. Turns out she's known we've been hanging out for months." I met his eyes, "is she mad?" He shook his head, "no, she did mention something about killing me if I hurt you." I laughed, "she's a little late to play the protective sister." He shrugged, "at least she realized she was wrong." I nodded, "that's true."
I then decided to push him on the topic of kids more, "if I have kids, I'm going to make sure they're best friends right from the start. I would never love one more than the other, or try to kill one over what house they're in." He scoffed, "you don't have to worry about that anytime soon." I shrugged, "it's good to think about." He laughed, using his hand to push me down onto my back. His hands ran through my hair as he started forcefully pushing his lips against my neck. I felt him lift my skirt up and then he slowly started moving on top of me.

I closed my eyes, it felt good but at the same time it didn't. I was scared, I didn't know if this was something you could still do while being pregnant. "Stop," I whispered. He thought I was joking at first, but he saw the look on my face and immediately stopped. "What's wrong?" He whispered pulling his pants back up. "It hurt." That was the only excuse I could come up with.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were all healed." He said. I took a deep breath, "I did too." Draco laid back down beside me pulling my head onto his chest, "we don't have to do anything we can just lay here."

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