Chapter 92

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I watched Peter Pettigrew emerge from the basement with a goblin this time. Once again I could barely make out what they were saying but I noticed Lucious and Narcissa were now standing in the corner.

I heard footsteps coming from behind me and I slowly turned my head. Draco was in my corner across the room from his parents. "Stay still Clara," he gently whispered. "Help them," I begged.

"Expelliomous." Ron raced up the steps from the basement stealing Bellatrix's wand, I watched Harry take Lucious on and before I could even try to help, Peter had taken my chains off the wall and was pulling me into another room.

I could no longer see the fight, which meant when there was a loud crash and then complete silence I had no idea what had happened.

"TAKE HER DOWN TO THE CELLAR AND DO WELL TO KEEP HER THERE." Bellatrix screamed. Lucious grabbed a hold of my arms marching me through the room we had just been in they were gone. That only meant that they must have made it out.

Lucious had to basically carry me down the steps seeing that he was walking far to fast for me to keep up. "What are you going to do to me," I asked as he quickly chained me up to the wall once more. "Shut up stupid girl. You're going to pay for every god damn thing you put my family through."

He slowly raised his wand glaring at me, and I closed my eyes. "I'm pregnant," I whispered quickly. His mouth fell as he continued to stare at me, he didn't say anything so I continued to speak, "it's Draco's." This turned him a vicious shade of red, "what the hell did you just say?" He lifted his wand again and I was expecting some sort of pain to hit me but Narcissa quickly ran over. "We can't." Lucious turned to her, "we don't have a choice. Even if we wanted to get her out, your sister would never allow it." She slowly knelt down to me, pressing her hand against my stomach, "how far along?" I let out a shaky breath, "almost eight months... I think." Lucious scoffed, "how the hell could he not tell us. How are we even sure she's telling the truth, she doesn't even look pregnant."

She grabbed his shoulder pulling him back from me, "because she's a tiny girl, we aren't killing her. Figure it out Lucious that's your blood in there." She walked away and I quietly prayed she wouldn't actually leave.

"Put this on," Lucious hissed handing me a black cloak. "If anyone asks your Pansy." I slowly shook my head I don't look anything like her. "I can't," I whispered. He quickly undid the chains forcing the cloak over me. "It is not your choice."

There was a lot of commotion upstairs which meant people had arrived. "Go up the stairs over there and quietly slip into the crowd of deatheaters." I closed my eyes taking deep breaths. "Now is not the time to be scared. Go. Now."

I slowly pulled myself up taking the stairs. "Clara?" Draco whispered hurrying over to me. "My name is Pansy." I shivered as I watched the dark lord take his seat. "Come on," Draco whispered pulling me to a chair closer to the end of the table. "Who is this?" Voldemort hissed as I took my seat. "Pansy Parkinson, my lord," Lucious answered. "Ah come to pay for your families mistakes?" I slowly nodded, "yes, my lord." He stood up slowly walking over to me, "you look a lot like your sister." I took a small breath, "she's not my family. Clara is a blood traitor." This made the entire table burst out in laughter. Voldemort agreed, "right you are."

He stood over top of me, "hold out your arm." I met his eyes, "my arm?" Draco softly nudged me and I quickly placed my arm in front of me on the table. "Draco, hold her." I gasped as Draco put pressure on my wrist and elbow pinning my arm to the table. He made sure to cover the scars that lined my arms so no one would know it wasn't actually Pansy.

He lifted his wand and began drawing some sort of circle in the air. A faint line appeared on my arm and it kept getting deeper and deeper. I bit my lip and it began cutting so deep I had to cry out in pain. Draco intertwined his fingers in mine and I closed my eyes shut screaming in pain, I tried to pull up but Draco stood up putting more and more pressure on my arm. "Let me go," I cried hitting Draco with my other hand.

"There you are," Voldemort whispered. I slowly opened my eyes staring down at the dark mark that was now engraved into my arm. I couldn't breath for what felt like an entire moment. "Thank him," Draco softly whispered into my ear.

"Thank you my lord."

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