Chapter 89

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A couple of weeks had gone by without anything exciting happening. My mood had changed I was much less hopeless, and I felt much less alone. I was reading a book about being a mother but I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard the front door close. I knew it wasn't Remus, there was no way he'd come back, it'd be too risky. I quietly shut the nursery door locking it and peeping out of the hole.

I heard more than one set of voices and I was trying hard to slow my heartbeat. I was on the second floor, they were still on the first. I heard the voices getting closer and I gasped when I saw the first face. It was Harry, behind him was Ron and Hermione. I pressed my back against the door sliding down.

I covered my mouth with my hand trying to silence my breathing. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but I knew the only way they'd know I was here was if they came into this room.

Night had come and I hadn't heard them in at least an hour. I carefully opened the door assuming they had left, but as I did so Hermione came around the corner.

She didn't make a sound but her mouth fell open. "Hermione," I whispered. "Clara, what are you doing here?" She hurried towards me wrapping her arms around me. "Come in."

I quietly shut the door behind her watching as she studied the room. She ran her fingers along the wall of my pictures, "Harry thought you had said you were pregnant, but we didn't believe him." I bit my lip, "do you believe I didn't have a choice, killing Dumbledore?" She met my eyes, "I don't know what to believe anymore. Have you been here this whole time Clara?" I slowly nodded, "a few months, yes. It's been lonely, but the baby started moving a few days ago, it makes me feel less alone." I lifted my shirt so she could see the small bump, "you can feel it." Hermione stepped toward, placing her hand softly on my stomach, "you must be terrified Clara." I shook my head, "you'd think so. All year I've been scared of running away, but now that I've done it, I feel peaceful." She nodded, "we're trying to find the locket, we think Umbridge has it at the ministry."

I sat down in the rocking chair beside the crib, "I'm sorry I haven't been looking, Dumbledore told me to come here but I'm lost, I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing." She shrugged, "if he told you to come here, I think you're doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing." I sighed, "what does Harry think of me?" She shook her head, "we don't talk much about you, I think it hurts him too much." I bit my lip, "I wish he knew the truth." She smiled, "everyone will soon enough."

"You should get back to them," I finally whispered. She stepped forward closing her arms around me, "We'll see you again." I held the door for her, "make sure they all know how much I love them," I locked the door behind her flopping down on the couch.

I had fallen asleep after she left, and when I woke up they were gone.

I understood not everyone was going to survive this war, and I knew there was a strong possibility I might not.

In the kitchen I began packing some food in case I did need to leave quickly. I also packed a bag Id want with me while I had this baby. There was a blanket, a hat, a onesie and a few other things including my camera.

By the time I had finished packing, showering and cooking it was already night again. I sat down on the couch placing my hands on my stomach. I still wasn't very big but I liked the small bump. "Hi baby," I softly whispered. "It's your mum again."

In the book I read that introducing your self to the baby is helpful. To be honest the whole book sounded like a load of shit, but that was just further proof I was not made to be a mother.

I shot up when the door opened again. I peaked my head around the corner covering my mouth. It wasn't the three of them again, it was a minister. Slowly I backed myself up until I hit the window. I grabbed onto the top of it hoisting myself up hiding behind the curtain.

I stayed here for over half an hour hearing him poking around the house. When he got to the bottom of the stairs I heard him call out, someone else had just arrived. "Are they here?" The other shook his head, "No, but Clara Parkinson is. Or she was recently." I stiffened at my name taking slow and cautious breaths. "Well let's go then. They're clearly gone now."

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