Chapter 99

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I didn't say anything as the water fell all over my body. I just let it soak me, and Draco held me up afraid if he loosened his grip on me I would simply fade away.

I didn't have any more tears but my eyes were still flooded. I stared off behind Draco, the people who I saw with that stone were gone. I'd never see them again and that was breaking my heart into tiny pieces every minute that went by.

Draco pulled my chin up forcing me to look at him, "hold onto my shoulders." I did as he said and he slowly lowered himself beginning to cover my legs in soap. He held up a razor looking at it slightly confused, "your whole leg?" I simply nodded afraid to watch him do this, I didn't need any more scars.

When he was finished with both legs he continued spreading soap all over my body and I stood there motionless letting him. He pulled my body into his, tipping my head back, carefully he began massaging shampoo into my hair.

"Lift your head a bit higher," he whispered and I did as he said feeling the water wash away the suds in my hair. "Draco," I quietly whispered. "Yes Clara?" I took a deep breath, "I'm sad, really sad Draco. But I'm also happy. I'm so confused. I love Raya and I love Teddy more than I've loved anything in my entire life, but I'm also sadder then I've ever been." He cupped my face pressing me against him as hard as he possibly could. "I know, and I'm going to help you. I'm going to do anything I can Clara."

I breathed into his neck trying to prepare myself to go back out there. To see my children. I wondered if any other parents have ever felt like I did right now. You lose so many people, but you also gain people who you never thought would make you feel the way you do.

"Let's get out," Draco whispered reaching around me to turn the water off. He went to step
out of the shower but I grabbed his arm pulling his back. "Just hold me," I sighed wanting him to make me feel small. He tightened his arms around me placing his hand on the back of my head, "I love you." I closed my eyes breathing him in, "I love you too."

After a few minutes Draco did slowly pull back reaching outside the shower for a towel. "Lift your arms," he sighed. I did as he said allowing him to wrap the towel around me tightly. I sat down on the stool as he wrapped a towel around his waist. It wasn't fair that my stomach had to be all stretched out and my boobs were bigger than most of my body, and yet here Draco was. A solid chest, big strong arms. He was perfect, and I was far from it.

"You're beautiful," I whispered softly touching his chest. Draco smiled, "I don't think you've looked in a mirror in a while, because you are the most beautiful girl on this planet." I looked down at myself, "have you looked at me in awile?" He laughed, "I've never seen anyone look so hot after having a baby, killing Voldemort and almost dying." This made me give in to his laughter, but it didn't last long.

Draco picked a brush up and slowly pulled it through my hair. When he was done that he spread lotion onto my legs, my arms and my face. "Do your feet hurt?" He asked beginning to
rub lotion into them. I shrugged, "it feels like everything hurts right now." He stood back up when he was done planting a small kiss on my lips.

I sighed as he untied my towel helping me stand up. "Look at this beautiful mother," he smiled observing my body. I gently hit him holding my arms out so he could tie the robe back around me. "You ready?" He finally asked meeting my eyes. I nodded taking his hand, allowing him to lead me back to the bed.

"Let me help," George offered helping Draco lift me back onto my bed. "I think she's hungry." Pansy whispered passing Raya to me. "What about Teddy?" I asked. Harry held up an empty bottle, "the nurse asked us to feed him while you were in the shower." I gave him a small smile, "thanks."

"Why don't you all give her a minute, this can be stressful the first time." The nurse said talking to everyone. "Thank you for being here when I woke
up," I said to them. "Thanks for everything."

Hermione bent down gently kissing Raya and did the same to Teddy. Ginny followed her lead and Harry squeezed my hand, "you did good." I smiled, "you too. I'll explain everything." He shook his head, "later."

I waved goodbye to Ron, George, Bill and Charlie, then gave Pansy a small smile, "thanks for being here." She nodded, "you have two beautiful kids Clara."

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