Chapter 30

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We eventually made our way back to the cottage, Remus decided to make us some dinner, while Sirius and I caught up in the living room.

"So tell me about this awful year." I sighed, "well you know how it all started." He nodded, "your mum, and your horrible father." I continued, "after Azkaban, when I went back to school nobody trusted me. Fudge never cleared anything up with the public." Sirius shook his head, "everyone thought you were a murderer?" I nodded, "most students still do, anyway, you didn't make anything easier."

Sirius gave me a small smile. "The first night when you attacked the fat lady, I was asleep in the common room, alone. You can imagine what everyone though. That I was working with you." Remus sat down, "I always believed you." I smiled, "I know. After that everywhere I went I heard whispers, at a quidditch game, the dementors recognized me, coming for me, like I was still in Azkaban." Sirius sighed, "I'm so sorry Clara." I met his eyes, "I'm fine." Remus shook his head, "no you're not because you're leaving out too many parts of the story."

I sat back, "I went after Snape numerous times. Demanding the truth, and when he finally let some of it spill, I just found out that those death eaters were supposed to murder me." Sirius raised his hand, "what did you just say?" Remus nodded, "it's true." Sirius leaned forward, "why didn't they? Why did they kill your mum?" I looked down, "I'm assuming my mum wouldn't let them, she must have sacrificed herself." I bit my lip trying to swallow the lump in my throat.

"When I went back to Azkaban, my father said that when he got out, he was going to kill me next. He wrote to Pansy, I don't know what he said, but she believed it all. She said I was dead to her." Sirius nodded, "no one is going to hurt you." I sighed, "I think that's everything." Remus agreed, "that does seem just about accurate. Why don't you go get ready for dinner?"

I stood up knowing this meant they wanted to talk alone. I stayed alone in my room for almost twenty minutes before I decided it should be alright for me to come out now, when I heard Remus' voice I stopped short.

"No Sirius, she's not going to be alright. We found her yesterday sitting alone in her house, exactly where her mother was killed. She told us she would be staying with Weasleys." Sirius sighed, "do you think any of those death eaters will be coming after her?" Remus coughed, "I have no idea, wouldn't they want some sort of revenge? They wouldn't go for Pansy, she's living with Malfoys."

Sirius said, "then we need to make sure she's with someone we can trust at all times." Remus agreed, "that's why she's here." Sirius scoffed, "she seems to be comfortable here." Remus laughed, "I'd hope so, it feels like I have a child of my own now, well it did all year. She's never had anyone looking out for her."

Sirius sighed, "I'm happy she has you, I wish I could be here too." Remus agreed, "I know she would like that, I think you're one of the very few people she trusts." Sirius chuckled, "and you of course, who would've thought we'd be parent figures to a teenage girl?" Remus laughed, "it's hard to not be, for her at least. Someone that age trying to cope with all that, she's a tough kid." Sirius agreed, "grown adults wouldn't even be able to handle all that." Remus sighed, "I think she just was built up like that, growing up with the parents she did."

I leaned my head against the wall, thinking about my parents. They were right, as much as I loved my mum, she wasn't kind when my father was around. She did die for me though, I pushed that to the back of my head, not wanting to think about that night right now. I slowly walked into the room showing myself. "Clara, ready to eat?" I slowly nodded, following them to the other room grabbing a plate.

"So Remus tells me you have a boyfriend? Tell me who I have to kill?" Sirius asked. I raised my eyebrow, "I'm not comfortable telling a known killer that." He smiled, "you're a good girlfriend." I nodded, "it's Fred Weasley, he's two years older." Sirius sat back, "he's an older boy? I don't think so." I laughed eating my vegetables, "he's a good guy." Remus agreed, "he is Sirius, besides there's nothing you can do about it anyway." Sirius rolled his eyes, "if that's a challenge, then you bet your ass I'll do something about it." I smiled, "well you shouldn't because he's very nice, and cares a lot."

Sirius put his fork down, "I'll consider it, the second that boy does anything to you, you tell him I'm coming for him." Remus nodded, "make that two of us."

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